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Kubernetes pod naming convention

I'm wondering if there is a proper naming convention for generated pod names in Kubernetes. By generated pod names I mean the name displayed in both kubectl get pods or, for instance, by querying the heapster api:

$ curl -s

$ curl -s

If there is no convention (as it looks like) are there any scenario(s) in which the common format: pod name + 5 alpha-numeric chars is true?

like image 595
Miguel Avatar asked Sep 13 '17 18:09


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2 Answers

if you use deployment then the naming convention as follows:

|--- Deployment: < name >
-----└─ Replica Set: < name >-< rs >
--------└─ Pod: < name >-< rs>-< RandomString >

like image 114
RahulKrishnan R A Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

RahulKrishnan R A

Naming Convention:

When you create a Deployment, it creates a replicaset named as:

replica-set-name = <deployment-name>-<random-string>

The replicaset, in turn, creates the pods adding another random string* to them:



$ kubectl create deploy nginx --image=nginx
deployment.apps/nginx created

$ kubectl scale --replicas=3 deploy/nginx 
deployment.extensions/nginx scaled

$ kubectl get replicaset
NAME                                     DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
nginx-554b9c67f9                         3         3         3       96s

$ kubectl get po
NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-554b9c67f9-c5cv4                         1/1     Running   0          74s
nginx-554b9c67f9-hjkjq                         1/1     Running   0          74s
nginx-554b9c67f9-wbwdm                         1/1     Running   0          2m7s

* Not random at all:

In fact, the "random strings" aren’t completely random at all.

To prevent “bad words”, vowels and the numbers 0, 1 and 3 were removed from the rand.String function (PRs for reference: #37225 and #50070).

So, the <random-string> will be composed by a combination of the following alphanumeric characters: bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz2456789.

like image 37
Eduardo Baitello Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Eduardo Baitello