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Kotlin's REPL println not printing to new line, instead prints everything to same line


I'm using the Kotlin REPL from Intellij Idea.

When I type this:

println("line 1 ")
println("line 2 ")
print("same ")

I expect this output:

"line 1 " 
"line 2 "
"same line"

But instead I get:

"line 1 line 2 same line"


REPL console output

like image 311
C. Rib Avatar asked Jul 10 '20 20:07

C. Rib

1 Answers

I was able to replicate this in my version of IntelliJ as well (2020.1.1). This seems to be a pretty old bug in IntelliJ. While it is listed on a backlog, I am not sure what that means in terms of priority for a fix.

like image 143
Todd Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
