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Kotlin - Set @Annotations . to function return types?

Is there a way to use annotations to declare a return condition for kotlin functions?

For example, I want to tell lint that my function will return an Android resource id at:

fun getImageId(): Int

I would want something as:

fun getImageId(): @DrawableRes Int

which fails

I thought it would make sense (I believe is possible in Java), because I may have something as:

 fun setImage(@DrawableRes res: Int) {

and call it as:


So that it has a chain of validations that the given int is actually a Res Id

like image 973
htafoya Avatar asked Dec 12 '19 02:12


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1 Answers

You can do it with:

fun getImageId(): Int

like image 170
Yang Liu Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10

Yang Liu