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Knockout binding on the anchor tag



I have an anchor tag with an icon inside it like this:

    <i class="icon-flip-2"></i>

I would like to replace the hello text with an binded element. Something like:

<a data-bind="text: myValue">
    <i class="icon-flip-2"></i>

The problem is that I lost the element < i class="icon-flip-2">

I want to keep it and be able to bind something on the anchor tag.


Any idea?

like image 356
Bronzato Avatar asked Mar 22 '13 13:03


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1 Answers

Use a virtual element

    <i class="icon-flip-2"></i>
    <!-- ko text: myValue --><!-- /ko -->

or a <span>

    <i class="icon-flip-2"></i>
    <span data-bind="text: myValue, if: myValue().length > 0"></span>
like image 188
Tomalak Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09
