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How to display or hide the div through binding



For Eg:

In viewModel,

//Makes webApi call to get the data from some repository
function GetData() {
            var data = http.get(apiUrl)
            .success(function (result) {
                 if (result != null || result !='')
                    // success display the data
               else {
                    vm.errorMsg('No data');



 var vm = {
            activate: activate,
            dataDisplay: ko.observableArray(),
        return vm;

//view. Expected.

If( errorMsg == 'No Data')
// show errordata div and hides displayData div
<div class="errorData" data-bind="text:errorMsg"/>
// Show displayData div and hide errorData div
<div class="displayData" data-bind="text:dataDisplay" />

How to implement this through binding??

I can use ko attr or visible. But my requirement is to hide/show through binding only. Please suggest me how to do this? Thanks in Advance.

like image 280
user2333363 Avatar asked Apr 29 '13 19:04


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1 Answers

You are right, you just need to use the visible binding, which would only show the HTML element if the value of the observable is NOT a null, undefined, or empty string. This should work:

<div class="errorData" data-bind="visible: errorMsg, text:errorMsg"/>

<div class="displayData" data-bind="visible: dataDisplay, text:dataDisplay" />

Also, if "dataDisplay" is indeed an array, you have to use:

<div class="displayData" data-bind="visible: dataDisplay().length, text:dataDisplay" />
like image 183
Jalayn Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10
