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Kibana time delta between two fields

I have two fields as part of a log message saved in our ELK cluster:

"EventTime": "2015-07-28 17:03:20",
"EventReceivedTime": "2015-07-28 17:03:22"

Is there a way to get the time difference between this fields (in this case 2 sec.) in each log message and display it trough Kibana3?

If its not possible a direct elasticsearch query would also work.

Thanks in advance!

like image 646
Laines Avatar asked Jul 28 '15 10:07


2 Answers

Yes, I just did it with some test data in Kibana using a scripted field. In Kibana, go to Settings, click on your index pattern in the upper left corner.

You should see 2 tabs "Fields" and "Scripted fields".

Click on the "Scripted fields" tab. Then "Add scripted field".

Enter a "Name" and in the Script field enter something like

doc['EventReceivedTime'].value - doc['EventTime'].value

Click "Create Field" at the bottom. Now you should see that new scripted field in Discover and can use it in visualizations. My timestamps were in milliseconds and my delta_time was in milliseconds.

like image 142
LeeD Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10


If the values are numeric, you're supposed to be able to make scripted fields in kibana (using the enabled "elasticsearch scripting" feature). This would have to be computed for each event when it is displayed.

I would recommend doing it in logstash as the events come through. You can drop use the ruby{} filter to compute the difference before writing to elasticsearch, so it's available in queries and for display with no additional processing at that time.

like image 45
Alain Collins Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10

Alain Collins