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How to deal with "partial" dates (2010-00-00) from MySQL in Django?

In one of my Django projects that use MySQL as the database, I need to have a date fields that accept also "partial" dates like only year (YYYY) and year and month (YYYY-MM) plus normal date (YYYY-MM-DD).

The date field in MySQL can deal with that by accepting 00 for the month and the day. So 2010-00-00 is valid in MySQL and it represent 2010. Same thing for 2010-05-00 that represent May 2010.

So I started to create a PartialDateField to support this feature. But I hit a wall because, by default, and Django use the default, MySQLdb, the python driver to MySQL, return a datetime.date object for a date field AND datetime.date() support only real date. So it's possible to modify the converter for the date field used by MySQLdb and return only a string in this format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. Unfortunately the converter use by MySQLdb is set at the connection level so it's use for all MySQL date fields. But Django DateField rely on the fact that the database return a datetime.date object, so if I change the converter to return a string, Django is not happy at all.

Someone have an idea or advice to solve this problem? How to create a PartialDateField in Django ?


Also I should add that I already thought of 2 solutions, create 3 integer fields for year, month and day (as mention by Alison R.) or use a varchar field to keep date as string in this format YYYY-MM-DD.

But in both solutions, if I'm not wrong, I will loose the special properties of a date field like doing query of this kind on them: Get all entries after this date. I can probably re-implement this functionality on the client side but that will not be a valid solution in my case because the database can be query from other systems (mysql client, MS Access, etc.)

like image 815
Etienne Avatar asked Jun 04 '10 02:06


1 Answers

First, thanks for all your answers. None of them, as is, was a good solution for my problem, but, for your defense, I should add that I didn't give all the requirements. But each one help me think about my problem and some of your ideas are part of my final solution.

So my final solution, on the DB side, is to use a varchar field (limited to 10 chars) and storing the date in it, as a string, in the ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) with 00 for month and day when there's no month and/or day (like a date field in MySQL). This way, this field can work with any databases, the data can be read, understand and edited directly and easily by a human using a simple client (like mysql client, phpmyadmin, etc.). That was a requirement. It can also be exported to Excel/CSV without any conversion, etc. The disadvantage is that the format is not enforce (except in Django). Someone could write 'not a date' or do a mistake in the format and the DB will accept it (if you have an idea about this problem...).

This way it's also possible to do all of the special queries of a date field relatively easily. For queries with WHERE: <, >, <=, >= and = work directly. The IN and BETWEEN queries work directly also. For querying by day or month you just have to do it with EXTRACT (DAY|MONTH ...). Ordering work also directly. So I think it covers all the query needs and with mostly no complication.

On the Django side, I did 2 things. First, I have created a PartialDate object that look mostly like datetime.date but supporting date without month and/or day. Inside this object I use a datetime.datetime object to keep the date. I'm using the hours and minutes as flag that tell if the month and day are valid when they are set to 1. It's the same idea that steveha propose but with a different implementation (and only on the client side). Using a datetime.datetime object gives me a lot of nice features for working with dates (validation, comparaison, etc.).

Secondly, I have created a PartialDateField that mostly deal with the conversion between the PartialDate object and the database.

So far, it works pretty well (I have mostly finish my extensive unit tests).

like image 175
Etienne Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 10:09
