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Kibana 4 custom dashboard

Kibana 4 with aggregation feature has proved very useful to me, however I need to do application-side join inorder to work with the available data.

Is there a way in kibana 4 to execute a application-side join (set of queries + code) and return a dashboard?

I read online docs of how to do this as scripted dashboard (kibana 3) http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/kibana/current/templated-and-scripted-dashboards.html however my understanding is that this is no longer supported in kibana 4.

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nishant Avatar asked Nov 28 '14 16:11


1 Answers

Kibana 4 is in development (Beta 3 is comming soon). You should look at the github project and browse issues to see watch is/will be implemented in the next versions of kibana 4.

If there is no issue, you should create new one to submit the feature.

Link : https://github.com/elasticsearch/kibana/issues?q=is%3Aissue+scripted+dashboard

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Thibaut M. Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Thibaut M.