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keytool error Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect




People also ask

How do I find my keystore password?

bin file in android studio itself. Search for ". storePassword" .. That's it you got your keystore password.

What is the keystore password?

Overview. The keystore password is changeit by default and should be changed in production environments to improve security.

I solved it by using the default password for cacerts keystore : 'changeit'

This answer will be helpful for new Mac User (Works for Linux, Window 7 64 bit too).

Empty Password worked in my mac . (paste the below line in terminal)

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore

when it prompt for

Enter keystore password:  

just press enter button (Dont type anything).It should work .

Please make sure its for default debug.keystore file , not for your project based keystore file (Password might change for this).

Works well for MacOS Sierra 10.10+ too.

I heard, it works for linux environment as well. i haven't tested that in linux yet.

From your description I assume you are on windows machine and your home is abc

So Now : Cause

When you run this command

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

because you are not specifying an explicit keystore it will try to generate (and in your case as you are getting exception so to update) keystore C:\users\abc>.keystore and of course you need to provide old password for .keystore while I believe you are providing your version (a new one).


  1. Either delete .keystore from C:\users\abc> location and try the command

  2. or try following command which will create a new xyzkeystore:

    keytool -genkey -keystore xyzkeystore -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

Note: -genkey is old now rather use -genkeypair althought both work equally.

The default password for the debug keystore is android.

enter image description here

I have solve this issue by using default password "changeit".