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Keystore Eclipse ADT file location

I have developed and released an app on the Android Market. I compiled the release, signed and zipaligned with Eclipse ADT export. This process created a Keystore for me in the wizard. The steps i took are detailed in the Android dev guide.

I want to know, Where does the newly created keystore reside? I want to take it and reuse on another project but i am not sure where i can find it.

I thought it would be named something like my-release-key.keystore but i cant find it. Sorry if this comes out as a dumb question but i am quite new to this and is a wearied thing to get stuck on.

Edit: I used the Eclipse ADT Wizard and in there i entered the location as follows...

Keystore Location

I am developing on a Mac and a very new mac user. I just dont know where this file has been placed. It i not in the project folder or the "cd /" location.


like image 884
Sprouts Avatar asked Aug 18 '11 18:08


1 Answers

OK, I found out the Eclipse ADT on Mac OS X saves keystores by default in Eclipse.app/Contents/Mac OS :-(

like image 72
yee Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10
