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Keyboard gets stuck in ios 13 simulator





I have been trying to make my project work with the new Xcode 11. Everything works smoothly, except on several occasions when I run my app on the simulator (iPhone 11 Pro Max), the app freezes after I click on EditTexts. This happens after a few times I have used the app. If I clear the simulator memory and restart everything works normally.

I created a view controller with just the EditText and am able to replicate the simulator freezing. Sometimes it freezes before launching the soft keypad, sometimes after it has been displayed. I am still able to kill the app and rerun it through Xcode but it freezes every time unless I do hardware reset on simulator.

I am just concerned if this would happen on the device too? Has anyone faced this?

Edit: Just to add. When this happens, I try to use the messaging app and the same thing happens there.

like image 753
Panks Avatar asked Sep 19 '19 10:09


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2 Answers

Same problem on Xcode 11.0 and simulator with iOS 13/iPhone 11.

For me, the workaround of disable "automatically paste" don't work.

The only way is to restart simulator.

This thread is open on Apple Forum [https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/122972]

like image 170
diegodsp Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10


The only fortunate solutions is to restart the simulator.

like image 34
Yash Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10
