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Adding Thousand Separator to Int in Swift

I am fairly new to Swift and having a great deal of trouble finding a way to add a space as a thousand separator.

What I am hoping to achieve is taking the result of a calculation and displaying it in a textfield so that the format is:

2 358 000

instead of


for example.

I am not sure if I should be formatting the Int value and then converting it to a String, or adding the space after the Int value is converted to a String. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 791
alionthego Avatar asked May 02 '15 05:05


People also ask

How do you format a thousands separator?

The character used as the thousands separatorIn the United States, this character is a comma (,). In Germany, it is a period (.). Thus one thousand and twenty-five is displayed as 1,025 in the United States and 1.025 in Germany. In Sweden, the thousands separator is a space.

2 Answers

You can use NSNumberFormatter to specify a different grouping separator as follow:

update: Xcode 11.5 • Swift 5.2

extension Formatter {     static let withSeparator: NumberFormatter = {         let formatter = NumberFormatter()         formatter.numberStyle = .decimal         formatter.groupingSeparator = " "         return formatter     }() } 

extension Numeric {     var formattedWithSeparator: String { Formatter.withSeparator.string(for: self) ?? "" } } 

2358000.formattedWithSeparator  // "2 358 000" 2358000.99.formattedWithSeparator  // "2 358 000.99"  let int = 2358000 let intFormatted = int.formattedWithSeparator  // "2 358 000"  let decimal: Decimal = 2358000 let decimalFormatted = decimal.formattedWithSeparator  // "2 358 000"  let decimalWithFractionalDigits: Decimal = 2358000.99 let decimalWithFractionalDigitsFormatted = decimalWithFractionalDigits.formattedWithSeparator // "2 358 000.99" 

If you need to display your value as currency with current locale or with a fixed locale:

extension Formatter {     static let number = NumberFormatter() } extension Locale {     static let englishUS: Locale = .init(identifier: "en_US")     static let frenchFR: Locale = .init(identifier: "fr_FR")     static let portugueseBR: Locale = .init(identifier: "pt_BR")     // ... and so on } extension Numeric {     func formatted(with groupingSeparator: String? = nil, style: NumberFormatter.Style, locale: Locale = .current) -> String {         Formatter.number.locale = locale         Formatter.number.numberStyle = style         if let groupingSeparator = groupingSeparator {             Formatter.number.groupingSeparator = groupingSeparator         }         return Formatter.number.string(for: self) ?? ""     }     // Localized     var currency:   String { formatted(style: .currency) }     // Fixed locales     var currencyUS: String { formatted(style: .currency, locale: .englishUS) }     var currencyFR: String { formatted(style: .currency, locale: .frenchFR) }     var currencyBR: String { formatted(style: .currency, locale: .portugueseBR) }     // ... and so on     var calculator: String { formatted(groupingSeparator: " ", style: .decimal) } } 


1234.99.currency    // "$1,234.99"  1234.99.currencyUS  // "$1,234.99" 1234.99.currencyFR  // "1 234,99 €" 1234.99.currencyBR  // "R$ 1.234,99"  1234.99.calculator  // "1 234.99" 

Note: If you would like to have a space with the same width of a period you can use "\u{2008}"

unicode spaces

formatter.groupingSeparator = "\u{2008}" 
like image 97
Leo Dabus Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Leo Dabus

You want to use NSNumberFormatter:

let fmt = NSNumberFormatter() fmt.numberStyle = .DecimalStyle fmt.stringFromNumber(2358000)  // with my locale, "2,358,000" fmt.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "fr_FR") fmt.stringFromNumber(2358000)  // "2 358 000" 
like image 31
Airspeed Velocity Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Airspeed Velocity