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Key Error: None of [Int64Index...] dtype='int64] are in the columns


I'm trying to shuffle my indices using the np.random.shuffle() method, but I keep getting an error that I don't understand. I'd appreciate it if someone could help me puzzle this out. Thank you!

I've tried to use the delimiter=',' and delim_whitespace=0 when I made my raw_csv_data variable at the beginning, as I saw that as the solution of another problem, but it kept throwing the same error

    import pandas as pd      import numpy as np      from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler      #%%     raw_csv_data= pd.read_csv('Absenteeism-data.csv')     print(raw_csv_data)     #%%     df= raw_csv_data.copy()     print(display(df))     #%%     pd.options.display.max_columns=None     pd.options.display.max_rows=None     print(display(df))     #%%     print(df.info())     #%%     df=df.drop(['ID'], axis=1)      #%%     print(display(df.head()))      #%%     #Our goal is to see who is more likely to be absent. Let's define     #our targets from our dependent variable, Absenteeism Time in Hours     print(df['Absenteeism Time in Hours'])     print(df['Absenteeism Time in Hours'].median())     #%%     targets= np.where(df['Absenteeism Time in Hours']>df['Absenteeism Time      in Hours'].median(),1,0)     #%%     print(targets)     #%%     df['Excessive Absenteeism']= targets     #%%     print(df.head())      #%%     #Let's Separate the Day and Month Values to see if there is      correlation     #between Day of week/month with absence     print(type(df['Date'][0]))     #%%     df['Date']= pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')     #%%     print(df['Date'])     print(type(df['Date'][0]))     #%%     #Extracting the Month Value     print(df['Date'][0].month)     #%%     list_months=[]     print(list_months)     #%%     print(df.shape)     #%%     for i in range(df.shape[0]):         list_months.append(df['Date'][i].month)     #%%     print(list_months)     #%%     print(len(list_months))     #%%     #Let's Create a Month Value Column for df     df['Month Value']= list_months     #%%     print(df.head())     #%%     #Now let's extract the day of the week from date     df['Date'][699].weekday()     #%%     def date_to_weekday(date_value):         return date_value.weekday()     #%%     df['Day of the Week']= df['Date'].apply(date_to_weekday)     #%%     print(df.head())     #%%     df= df.drop(['Date'], axis=1)     #%%     print(df.columns.values)     #%%     reordered_columns= ['Reason for Absence', 'Month Value','Day of the      Week','Transportation Expense', 'Distance to Work', 'Age',      'Daily Work Load Average', 'Body Mass Index', 'Education',      'Children',      'Pets',      'Absenteeism Time in Hours', 'Excessive Absenteeism']     #%%     df=df[reordered_columns]     print(df.head())     #%%     #First Checkpoint     df_date_mod= df.copy()     #%%     print(df_date_mod)      #%%     #Let's Standardize our inputs, ignoring the Reasons and Education      Columns     #Because they are labelled by a separate categorical criteria, not      numerically     print(df_date_mod.columns.values)     #%%     unscaled_inputs= df_date_mod.loc[:, ['Month Value','Day of the      Week','Transportation Expense','Distance to Work','Age','Daily Work      Load      Average','Body Mass Index','Children','Pets','Absenteeism Time in      Hours']]     #%%     print(display(unscaled_inputs))     #%%     absenteeism_scaler= StandardScaler()     #%%     absenteeism_scaler.fit(unscaled_inputs)     #%%     scaled_inputs= absenteeism_scaler.transform(unscaled_inputs)     #%%     print(display(scaled_inputs))     #%%     print(scaled_inputs.shape)     #%%     scaled_inputs= pd.DataFrame(scaled_inputs, columns=['Month Value','Day      of the Week','Transportation Expense','Distance to Work','Age','Daily      Work Load Average','Body Mass Index','Children','Pets','Absenteeism      Time      in Hours'])     print(display(scaled_inputs))     #%%     df_date_mod= df_date_mod.drop(['Month Value','Day of the      Week','Transportation Expense','Distance to Work','Age','Daily Work      Load Average','Body Mass Index','Children','Pets','Absenteeism Time in      Hours'], axis=1)     print(display(df_date_mod))     #%%     df_date_mod=pd.concat([df_date_mod,scaled_inputs], axis=1)     print(display(df_date_mod))     #%%     df_date_mod= df_date_mod[reordered_columns]     print(display(df_date_mod.head()))     #%%     #Checkpoint     df_date_scale_mod= df_date_mod.copy()     print(display(df_date_scale_mod.head()))     #%%     #Let's Analyze the Reason for Absence Category     print(df_date_scale_mod['Reason for Absence'])     #%%     print(df_date_scale_mod['Reason for Absence'].min())     print(df_date_scale_mod['Reason for Absence'].max())     #%%     print(df_date_scale_mod['Reason for Absence'].unique())     #%%     print(len(df_date_scale_mod['Reason for Absence'].unique()))     #%%     print(sorted(df['Reason for Absence'].unique()))     #%%     reason_columns= pd.get_dummies(df['Reason for Absence'])     print(reason_columns)     #%%     reason_columns['check']= reason_columns.sum(axis=1)     print(reason_columns)     #%%     print(reason_columns['check'].sum(axis=0))     #%%     print(reason_columns['check'].unique())     #%%     reason_columns=reason_columns.drop(['check'], axis=1)     print(reason_columns)     #%%     reason_columns=pd.get_dummies(df_date_scale_mod['Reason for Absence'],      drop_first=True)     print(reason_columns)     #%%     print(df_date_scale_mod.columns.values)     #%%     print(reason_columns.columns.values)     #%%     df_date_scale_mod= df_date_scale_mod.drop(['Reason for Absence'],      axis=1)     print(df_date_scale_mod)     #%%     reason_type_1= reason_columns.loc[:, 1:14].max(axis=1)     reason_type_2= reason_columns.loc[:, 15:17].max(axis=1)     reason_type_3= reason_columns.loc[:, 18:21].max(axis=1)     reason_type_4= reason_columns.loc[:, 22:].max(axis=1)     #%%     print(reason_type_1)     print(reason_type_2)     print(reason_type_3)     print(reason_type_4)     #%%     print(df_date_scale_mod.head())     #%%     df_date_scale_mod= pd.concat([df_date_scale_mod,      reason_type_1,reason_type_2, reason_type_3, reason_type_4], axis=1)     print(df_date_scale_mod.head())     #%%     print(df_date_scale_mod.columns.values)     #%%     column_names= ['Month Value','Day of the Week','Transportation      Expense',      'Distance to Work','Age','Daily Work Load Average','Body Mass Index',      'Education','Children','Pets','Absenteeism Time in Hours',      'Excessive Absenteeism', 'Reason_1', 'Reason_2', 'Reason_3',       'Reason_4']      df_date_scale_mod.columns= column_names     print(df_date_scale_mod.head())     #%%     column_names_reordered= ['Reason_1', 'Reason_2', 'Reason_3',      'Reason_4','Month Value','Day of the Week','Transportation Expense',      'Distance to Work','Age','Daily Work Load Average','Body Mass Index',      'Education','Children','Pets','Absenteeism Time in Hours',      'Excessive Absenteeism']      df_date_scale_mod=df_date_scale_mod[column_names_reordered]     print(display(df_date_scale_mod.head()))     #%%     #Checkpoint     df_date_scale_mod_reas= df_date_scale_mod.copy()     print(df_date_scale_mod_reas.head())     #%%     #Let's Look at the Education column now     print(df_date_scale_mod_reas['Education'].unique())     #This shows us that education is rated from 1-4 based on level     #of completion     #%%     print(df_date_scale_mod_reas['Education'].value_counts())     #The overwhelming majority of workers are highschool educated, while      the      #rest have higher degrees     #%%     #We'll create our dummy variables as highschool and higher education     df_date_scale_mod_reas['Education']=      df_date_scale_mod_reas['Education'].map({1:0, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1})     #%%     print(df_date_scale_mod_reas['Education'].unique())     #%%     print(df_date_scale_mod_reas['Education'].value_counts())     #%%     #Checkpoint     df_preprocessed= df_date_scale_mod_reas.copy()     print(display(df_preprocessed.head()))     #%%     #%%     #Split Inputs from targets     scaled_inputs_all= df_preprocessed.loc[:,'Reason_1':'Absenteeism Time      in      Hours']     print(display(scaled_inputs_all.head()))     print(scaled_inputs_all.shape)     #%%     targets_all= df_preprocessed.loc[:,'Excessive Absenteeism']     print(display(targets_all.head()))     print(targets_all.shape)     #%%     #Shuffle Inputs and targets     shuffled_indices= np.arange(scaled_inputs_all.shape[0])     np.random.shuffle(shuffled_indices)     shuffled_inputs= scaled_inputs_all[shuffled_indices]     shuffled_targets= targets_all[shuffled_indices] 

This is the error I keep getting when I try to shuffle my indices:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)  in        1 shuffled_indices= np.arange(scaled_inputs_all.shape[0])       2 np.random.shuffle(shuffled_indices) ----> 3 shuffled_inputs= scaled_inputs_all[shuffled_indices]       4 shuffled_targets= targets_all[shuffled_indices] 

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.py in getitem(self, key) 2932 key = list(key) 2933 indexer = self.loc._convert_to_indexer(key, axis=1, -> 2934 raise_missing=True) 2935 2936 # take() does not accept boolean indexers

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.py in _convert_to_indexer(self, obj, axis, is_setter, raise_missing) 1352 kwargs = {'raise_missing': True if is_setter else 1353
raise_missing} -> 1354 return self._get_listlike_indexer(obj, axis, **kwargs)[1] 1355 else: 1356 try:

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.py in _get_listlike_indexer(self, key, axis, raise_missing) 1159 self._validate_read_indexer(keyarr, indexer, 1160
o._get_axis_number(axis), -> 1161 raise_missing=raise_missing) 1162 return keyarr, indexer

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.py in _validate_read_indexer(self, key, indexer, axis, raise_missing) 1244 raise KeyError( 1245
u"None of [{key}] are in the [{axis}]".format( -> 1246 key=key, axis=self.obj._get_axis_name(axis))) 1247 1248 # We (temporarily) allow for some missing keys with .loc, except in

KeyError: "None of [Int64Index([560, 320, 405, 141, 154, 370, 656, 26, 444, 307,\n ...\n 429, 542, 676, 588, 315, 284, 293, 607, 197, 250],\n dtype='int64', length=700)] are in the [columns]"

like image 208
Ashley E. Avatar asked Apr 13 '19 15:04

Ashley E.

1 Answers

You created your scaled_inputs_all DataFrame using loc function, so it most likely contains no consecutive indices.

On the other hand, you created shuffled_indices as a shuffle from just a range of consecutive numbers.

Remember that scaled_inputs_all[shuffled_indices] gets rows of scaled_inputs_all which have index values equal to elements of shuffled_indices.

Maybe you should write:


Note that iloc provides integer-location based indexing, regardless of index values, i.e. just what you need.

like image 194
Valdi_Bo Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09
