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Using AWS Secrets Manager with Python (Lambda Console)


I am attempting to use Secrets Manager a Lambda function in AWS. Secrets a manager is used to store database credentials to Snowflake (username, password).

I managed to set up a secret in Secrets Manager which contains several key/value pairs (e.g. one for username, another for password).

Now I am trying to refer to these values in my Python function code. AWS documentation kindly provides the following snippet:

import boto3 import base64 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError   def get_secret():      secret_name = "MY/SECRET/NAME"     region_name = "us-west-2"      # Create a Secrets Manager client     session = boto3.session.Session()     client = session.client(         service_name='secretsmanager',         region_name=region_name     )      # In this sample we only handle the specific exceptions for the 'GetSecretValue' API.     # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/apireference/API_GetSecretValue.html     # We rethrow the exception by default.      try:         get_secret_value_response = client.get_secret_value(             SecretId=secret_name         )     except ClientError as e:         if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'DecryptionFailureException':             # Secrets Manager can't decrypt the protected secret text using the provided KMS key.             # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.             raise e         elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InternalServiceErrorException':             # An error occurred on the server side.             # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.             raise e         elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidParameterException':             # You provided an invalid value for a parameter.             # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.             raise e         elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidRequestException':             # You provided a parameter value that is not valid for the current state of the resource.             # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.             raise e         elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException':             # We can't find the resource that you asked for.             # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.             raise e     else:         # Decrypts secret using the associated KMS CMK.         # Depending on whether the secret is a string or binary, one of these fields will be populated.         if 'SecretString' in get_secret_value_response:             secret = get_secret_value_response['SecretString']         else:             decoded_binary_secret = base64.b64decode(get_secret_value_response['SecretBinary'])      # Your code goes here. 

Later in my def lambda_handler(event, context) function, I have the following snippet to establish a connection to my database:

        conn = snowflake.connector.connect(             user=USERNAME,             password=PASSWORD,             account=ACCOUNT,             warehouse=WAREHOUSE,             role=ROLE             ) 

However, I am unable to figure out how to use the get_secret() function to return values for parameters like USERNAME or PASSWORD.

How can this be accomplished? Thank you for the help!

like image 711
jeff Avatar asked Sep 18 '19 21:09


People also ask

How do I use AWS Secret Manager in Python?

How do I access AWS Secrets Manager in Python? To access AWS Secrets Manager, you need to install Boto3, an AWS SDK for Python. Also, you need to have AWS CLI configured to use the Boto3 library. Boto3 uses your AWS Access Key Id and Secret Access Key to programmatically manage AWS resources.

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We will perform the following steps: create an API key on the Alpha Vantage platform so that we can get stock market data from this API, store the API key inside of AWS Secrets Manager, retrieve this API key within our script by using just two lines of Python code.

2 Answers

update the last part of get_secret() to:

else:         # Decrypts secret using the associated KMS CMK.         # Depending on whether the secret is a string or binary, one of these fields will be populated.         if 'SecretString' in get_secret_value_response:             secret = get_secret_value_response['SecretString']         else:             secret = base64.b64decode(get_secret_value_response['SecretBinary'])  return json.loads(secret)  # returns the secret as dictionary  

This will return a dictionary where you'll have the keys you specified in AWS Secret Manager console.

like image 123
Ron Marcelino Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Ron Marcelino

  • Here is how i have used it using arn, following this bloc hope that helps you.
  • Worth checking what you have used to store and accordingly use one SecretString or SecretBinary
    secrets_client = boto3.client('secretsmanager')     secret_arn = 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxxx:secret:dashboard/auth_token'     auth_token = secrets_client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_arn).get('SecretString') 
  • boto3 docs
  • get_secret_value Retrieves the contents of the encrypted fields SecretString or SecretBinary from the specified version of a secret, whichever contains content.
  • Your lambda role should have the following permissions depending on what is used
    • secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
    • kms:Decrypt required only if you use a customer-managed AWS KMS key to encrypt the secret. You do not need this permission to use the account's default AWS managed CMK for Secrets Manager.
like image 22
amittn Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09
