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Keras Realtime Augmentation adding Noise and Contrast

Keras provides an ImageDataGenerator class for realtime augmentation, but it does not include contrast adjustment and addition of noise.

How can we apply a random level of noise and a random contrast adjustment during training? Could these functions be added to the 'preprocessing_function' parameter in the datagen?

Thank you.

like image 621
Chris Parry Avatar asked Apr 13 '17 01:04

Chris Parry

2 Answers

You could indeed add noise with preprocessing_function.

Example script:

import random
import numpy as np

def add_noise(img):
    '''Add random noise to an image'''
    deviation = VARIABILITY*random.random()
    noise = np.random.normal(0, deviation, img.shape)
    img += noise
    np.clip(img, 0., 255.)
    return img

# Prepare data-augmenting data generator
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
datagen = ImageDataGenerator(

# Load a single image as our example
from keras.preprocessing import image
img_path = 'cat_by_irene_mei_flickr.png'
img = image.load_img(img_path, target_size=(299,299))

# Generate distorted images
images = [img]
img_arr = image.img_to_array(img)
img_arr = img_arr.reshape((1,) + img_arr.shape)
for batch in datagen.flow(img_arr, batch_size=1):
    images.append( image.array_to_img(batch[0]) )
    if len(images) >= 4:

# Display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f, xyarr = plt.subplots(2,2)

Example images generated by the script:

Four images of a cat with varying modification and levels of noise

like image 68
Andriy Makukha Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 16:11

Andriy Makukha

From the Keras docs:

preprocessing_function: function that will be implied on each input. The function will run before any other modification on it. The function should take one argument: one image (Numpy tensor with rank 3), and should output a Numpy tensor with the same shape.

So, I created a simple function and then used the image augmentation functions from the imgaug module. Note that imgaug requires images to be rank 4.

like image 2
Chris Parry Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 15:11

Chris Parry