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Keras: How to get layer index when already know layer name?




I already knew the name of a layer of a model, now I want to know that layer's index. Is there any available function to do that? Thank you all.

like image 899
Nguyễn Công Minh Avatar asked May 03 '18 09:05

Nguyễn Công Minh

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How to get the IDX of layer name from model name?

Suppose your model is model and the layerName is name of the layer. index = None for idx, layer in enumerate (model.layers): if layer.name == layerName: index = idx break Here index is the idx of required name. def getLayerIndexByName (model, layername): for idx, layer in enumerate (model.layers): if layer.name == layername: return idx

2 Answers

Suppose your model is model and the layerName is name of the layer.

index = None
for idx, layer in enumerate(model.layers):
    if layer.name == layerName:
        index = idx

Here index is the idx of required name.

like image 109
Akhilesh Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10


The answer of Akhilesh as function:

def getLayerIndexByName(model, layername):
    for idx, layer in enumerate(model.layers):
        if layer.name == layername:
            return idx
like image 5
maniac Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10
