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KendoUI Sortable like JQueryUI

Looking for an example of using KendoUI like the JQueryUI sortable method. Can't seem to find anything like this. What a shame if you can't do this in KendoUI.


like image 742
AgileJoe Avatar asked Aug 14 '12 00:08


2 Answers

If you want to have the same look & feel that other KendoUI widgets you might try to implement it using TreeView:

If this are the elements that are sortable:

var dataSource = [
    { id:1, text:"Element 1" },
    { id:2, text:"Element 2" },
    { id:3, text:"Element 3" },
    { id:4, text:"Element 4" },
    { id:5, text:"Element 5" },
    { id:6, text:"Element 6" }

then you might use the following code:

    dataSource :dataSource,
    template   :"<div class='ob-item'> #= item.text # </div>",
    drag       :function (e) {
        var dst = $($(e.dropTarget).closest(".k-item")[0]).data("uid");
        var src = $(e.sourceNode).data("uid");
        if ($(e.dropTarget).hasClass("ob-item") && dst != src) {
        } else {
    drop       :function (e) {
        if ($(e.sourceNode).data("uid") !== $(e.destinationNode).data("uid")) {

that renders a sortable list.


ob-item is the styling that you want for each sortable item. For example:

.ob-item {
    background-color: #e9e9e9;
    border: 1px solid #a99f9a;
    color: #2e2e2e;
    padding: 5px;
    border-radius: 4px;

If you allow nesting then you should replace insertBefore by append.

like image 76
OnaBai Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09


Yes you can do that in KendoUi. I agree, their documentation could be a little more clear, but check out under treeview drag & drop:


like image 22
Eric Leroy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

Eric Leroy