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JQuery UI bounce effect - bounce only once on entering div

I have a div that I want to bounce once, when the mouse enters/hovers over the div.

The code I have works in Chrome, but not in Firefox or IE.


In Chrome it bounces once as desired but in FF and IE the bouncing goes on as long as the mouse remains in place.

I also tried $('#box').one("mouseenter", function() { but the box bounces once, and subsequent entries into the div do not trigger the effect.

Any thoughts on why the browsers are behaving differently and what I can do about it?

like image 387
Kate R Avatar asked Jun 21 '12 19:06

Kate R

1 Answers


if ( !$(this).data("bouncing") ){
      $(this).effect("bounce", { direction: 'up', distance: 10, times: 1 })
             .data("bouncing", true);
},function () {
     $(this).data("bouncing", false);

Once it bounces, the element data attribute will hold the true boolean,
inside the if statement we just check for it's true or false.
On mouse-leave we just set it to false, to allow a new hover and a... new bounce! :)

You can also write the above like:

$("#box").on('mouseenter mouseleave',function( e ) {
  var el = $(this);
  if(!el.data("b"))el.effect("bounce", {direction:'up',distance:10,times:1} );
like image 93
Roko C. Buljan Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Roko C. Buljan