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JVM heap used percentage - when to generate alert

We have an application which is deployed on Tomcat 8 application server and currently monitoring server (Zabbix) is configured to generate alert if the heap memory is 90% utilized.

There were certain alerts generated which prompted us to do heap dump analysis. Nothing really came out of heap dump, there was no memory leak. There were lot of unreachable object which were not cleaned up because of no GC.

JVM configurations:

-Xms8192m -Xmx8192m -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m 
-XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:+PrintGCDetails 
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/app/apache-tomcat-8.0.33 
-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps 
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:GCLogFileSize=50m -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=30

We tried running garbage collection manually using jcmd command and it cleared up the memory. GC logs after running jcmd:

2016-11-04T03:06:31.751-0400: 1974627.198: [Full GC (System.gc()) [PSYoungGen: 18528K->0K(2049024K)] [ParOldGen: 5750601K->25745K(6291456K)] 5769129K->25745K(8340480K), [Metaspace: 21786K->21592K(1069056K)], 0.1337369 secs] [Times: user=0.19 sys=0.00, real=0.14 secs]


  1. Is there any configuration above due to which GC is not running automatically.
  2. What is the reason of this behavior? I understand that Java will do GC when it needs to. But, if it is not running GC even when heap is 90% utilized, what should be the alert threshold (and if it even makes sense to have any alert based on heap utilization).
like image 392
Ankit Avatar asked Nov 04 '16 10:11


People also ask

How do I monitor heap usage?

The easy way to monitor Heap usage is by using a commercial APM (Application Performance management tool) such as CA Wily APM, AppDynamics, New Relic, Riverbed, etc. APM tools not only monitor the heap usage, but you can also configure the tool to Alert you when Heap usage is not normal.

Why JVM heap utilization is too high?

This is because the JVM steadily increases heap usage percentage until the garbage collection process frees up memory again. High heap usage occurs when the garbage collection process cannot keep up. An indicator of high heap usage is when the garbage collection is incapable of reducing the heap usage to around 30%.

What is heap percentage?

The percentage of used heap space is the memory currently in use on the JVM runtime divided by the maximum heap size available to the JVM runtime: (UsedMemory/maxMemory) * 100.

How do I check my JVM memory usage?

Using VisualVM (jvisualvm) It allows you to trace a running Java program and see its the memory and CPU consumption. You can also use it to create a memory heap dump to analyze the objects in the heap. https://visualvm.github.io/ [Visualvm] is part of the jdk distribution (as of Update 7 for jdk1. 6).

1 Answers

When the garbage collector decides to collect differs per garbage collector. I have not been able to find any hard promises on when your (Parallel GC) garbage collector runs. Many Garbage collectors also tune on several different variables, which can influence when it will run.

As you have noted yourself, your application can have high heap usage and still run fine. What you are looking for in an application is that the Garbage Collector is still efficient. Meaning it can clean up quiet a lot of garbage in a single run.

Some aspects of garbage collection

Most garbage collectors have two or more strategies, one for 'young' objects and one for 'old' objects. When a young object has not been collected in the latest (several) collects, it becomes an old object. The idea behind this is that if an object has not been collected it probably wont be collected next time either. (Most objects either live really short, or really long). The garbage collector does a very efficient, but not perfect cleaning of the young objects. When that doesn't free up enough data, then a more costly garbage collection is done on all (young en old) objects.

This will often generate a saw tooth (taken from this site): Heap size over time Here you see many small drops in heap size and a slowly growing heap. Every now and then a large collection is done, and there is a large drop. The actually 'used' memory is the amount of memory left after a large collection.

Aspects to measure

This leads to the following aspects you can look at when determining the health of your application:

  1. The amount of time spent by you application garbage collecting (both in total and as a percentage of CPU time).
  2. The amount of memory available right after a garbage collect.
  3. The a quick increment in the number of large garbage collects.

In most cases you will need monitor the behavior of your application under load, to see what are good values for you.

The parallel garbage collector uses a similar condition to determine if all is still well:

If more than 98% of the total time is spent in garbage collection and less than 2% of the heap is recovered, then an OutOfMemoryError is thrown.

All of these statistic you can see nicely using VisualVM and Jconsole. I am not sure which you can use as triggers in your monitoring tools

like image 197
Thirler Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
