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Junit best practice when asserting complex objects

I am writing a lot JUnit tests these days for a legacy system.

Often I come to the question: What is the best way to assert complex Objects?

Here is my current code

public class SomeParserTest {

    public void testParse() throws Exception {
        final SomeParser someParser = new SomeParser();
        someParser.parse("string from some file");

        final List<Result> listOfResults = someParser.getResults();
        assertThat(listOfResults, hasSize(5));

        assertResult(listOfResults.get(0), "20151223", 2411189L, isEmptyOrNullString(), "2.71", "16.99");
        assertResult(listOfResults.get(1), "20151229", 2411190L, isEmptyOrNullString(), "2.86", "17.9");
        assertResult(listOfResults.get(2), "20151229", 2411191L, is("1.26"), ".75", "23.95");
        assertResult(listOfResults.get(3), "20151229", 2411192L, is("2.52"), "1.5", "47.9");
        assertResult(listOfResults.get(4), "20151229", 2411193L, isEmptyOrNullString(), "2.71", "16.99");

        final List<SubResult> listofSubResuls = someParser.getSubResultOf(listOfResults.get(0));
        assertThat(listofSubResuls, hasSize(1));
        assertSubResult(listofSubResuls.get(0), 12.5D, "20151223", 1L, 14.87D, 16.99D, 0L, null, 67152L, "20151223", "2", 0L, "02411189", 56744349L);

        final List<SubResult> listofSubResuls1 = someParser.getListofBBBS(listOfResults.get(1));
        assertThat(listofSubResuls1, hasSize(2));
        assertSubResult(listofSubResuls1.get(0), 30.0D, "20151228", 1L, 12.53D, 17.9D, 0L, null, 67156L, "20151229", "2", 0L, "02411190", 56777888L);
        assertSubResult(listofSubResuls1.get(1), 33.3D, "20151228", 1L, 4.66D, 6.99D, 1L, "J", 67156L, "20151229", "2", 21L, "02411190", 56777889L);
//And 50 Lines more

//  how to avoid so many parameters?
    private void assertSubResult(final SubResult subResult, final double someDouble, final String bestellDatum,
            final long someLong, final double someDouble2, final double someDouble3, final long someLong3,
            final String someString,
            final long someLong1,
            final String someString4, final String someString3, final long someLong4, final String rechnungsNummer,
            final long someLong2) {
        assertThat(subResult.getXXX(), is(nullValue()));
        assertThat(subResult.getXYX().getTag(), is(someDouble2));
        assertThat(subResult.getXYX(), is("some constant"));
//      and much more

    //  how to avoid so many parameters?
    private void assertResult(final Result result, final String string1234, final long abc,
            final String string1, final String string12, final String string134) {
        assertThat(result.getXXX(), is(nullValue()));
        assertThat(result.getXYX().getTag(), is(someDouble2));
        assertThat(result.getXYX(), is("some constant"));
//      and much more

There is no simple way to test each step of such a parser and I can't cahnge that much since it is legacy code...

Thanks for your Help!

like image 393
Zarathustra Avatar asked Dec 30 '15 14:12


1 Answers

I would give assertj extracting feature a try, example:

// fellowshipOfTheRing is a List<TolkienCharacter>
assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("name", "age", "race.name")
                               .contains(tuple("Boromir", 37, "Man"),
                                         tuple("Sam", 38, "Hobbit"),
                                         tuple("Legolas", 1000, "Elf"));

The example is described in detail here : http://joel-costigliola.github.io/assertj/assertj-core-features-highlight.html#extracted-properties-assertion

You can also use specific comparison strategy to compare actual and expected results, lastly there is support for field by field comparison : isEqualToComparingFieldByField, isEqualToComparingOnlyGivenFields and isEqualToIgnoringGivenFields.

Hope it can help

like image 191
Joel Costigliola Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Joel Costigliola