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How to convert JsonArray to Hashmap





I've been able to get a jsonarray from a json string, but don't know how to put it in a Hashmap with a String that shows the type of cargo and an Integer showing the amount.

The string:

like image 656
Zoef Avatar asked Nov 08 '15 16:11


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1 Answers

This fixed it for me:

JsonArray jsoncargo = jsonObject.getJsonArray("cargo");

Map<String, Integer> cargo = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < jsoncargo.size(); i++) {            
    String type = jsoncargo.getJsonObject(i).getString("type");
    Integer amount = jsoncargo.getJsonObject(i).getInt("amount");
    cargo.put(type, amount);
like image 65
Zoef Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10
