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Julia: use of pmap with Arrays vs SharedArrays

I have been working in Julia for a few months now and I am interested in writing some of my code in parallel. I am working on a problem where I use 1 model to generate data for several different receivers (the data for each receiver is a vector). The data for each receiver can be computed independently which leads me to believe I should be able to use the pmap function. My plan is to initialize the data as a 2D SharedArray (each column represents the data for 1 receiver) and then have pmap loop over each of the columns. However I am finding that using SharedArray's with pmap is no faster than working in serial using map. I wrote the following dummy code to illustrate this point.

@everywhere function Dummy(icol,model,data,A,B)
    nx = 250
    nz = 250
    nh = 50
    for ih = 1:nh
        for ix = 1:nx
            for iz = 1:nz
                data[iz,icol] += A[iz,ix,ih]*B[iz,ix,ih]*model[iz,ix,ih]

function main()

    nx = 250
    nz = 250
    nh = 50

    nt = 500
    ncol = 100

    model1 = rand(nz,nx,nh)
    model2 = copy(model1)
    model3 = convert(SharedArray,model1)

    data1 = zeros(Float64,nt,ncol)
    data2 = SharedArray(Float64,nt,ncol)
    data3 = SharedArray(Float64,nt,ncol)

    A1 = rand(nz,nx,nh)
    A2 = copy(A1)
    A3 = convert(SharedArray,A1)

    B1 = rand(nz,nx,nh)
    B2 = copy(B1)
    B3 = convert(SharedArray,B1)

    @time map((arg)->Dummy(arg,model1,data1,A1,B1),[icol for icol = 1:ncol])
    @time pmap((arg)->Dummy(arg,model2,data2,A2,B2),[icol for icol = 1:ncol])
    @time pmap((arg)->Dummy(arg,model3,data3,A3,B3),[icol for icol = 1:ncol])




I start the Julia session with Julia -p 3 and run the script. The times for the 3 tests are 1.4s, 4.7s, and 1.6s respectively. Using SharedArrays with pmap (1.6s runtime) hasn't provided any improvement in speed compared with regular Arrays with map (1.4s). I am also confused as to why the 2nd case (data as a SharedArray, all other inputs as a regular Array with pmap) is so slow. What do I need to change in order to benefit from working in parallel?

like image 462
Landon Avatar asked Aug 20 '16 21:08


1 Answers

Preface: yes, there actually is a solution to your issue. See code at bottom for that. But, before I get there, I'll go into some explanation.

I think the root of the problem here is memory access. First off, although I haven't rigorously investigated it, I suspect that there are a moderate number of improvements that could be made to Julia's underlying code in order to improve the way that it handles memory access in parallel processing. Nevertheless, in this case, I suspect that any underlying issues with the base code, if such actually exist, aren't so much at fault. Instead, I think it is useful to think carefully about what exactly is going on in your code and what it means vis-a-vis memory access.

  1. A key thing to keep in mind when working in Julia is that it stores Arrays in column-major order. That is, it stores them as stacks of columns on top of each other. This generalizes to dimensions > 2 as well. See this very helpful segment of the Julia performance tips for more info. The implication of this is that it is fast to access one row after another after another in a single column. But, if you need to be jumping around columns, then you get into trouble. Yes, accessing ram memory might be relatively fast, but accessing cache memory is much, much faster, and so if your code allows for a single column or so to be loaded from ram into cache and then worked on, then you'll do much better than if you need to be doing lots of swapping between ram and cache. Here in your code, you're switching from column to column between your computations like nobody's business. For instance, in your pmap each process gets a different column of the shared array to work on. Then, each goes down the rows of that column and modifies the values in it. But, since they are trying to work in parallel with one another, and the whole array is too big to fit into your cache, there is lots of swapping between ram and cache that happens and that really slows you down. In theory, perhaps a clever enough under-the-hood memory management system could be devised to address this, but I don't really know - that goes beyond my pay grade. The same thing of course is happening to your accesses to your other objects.

  2. Another thing to keep in mind in general when parallelizing is your ratio of flops (i.e. computer calculations) to read/write operations. Flops tend to parallelize well, you can have different cores, processes, etc. doing their own little computations on their own bits of data that they hold in their tiny caches. But, read/write operations don't parallelize so well. There are some things that can be done to engineer hardware systems to improve on this. But in general, if you have a given computer system with say, two cores, and you add four more cores to it, your ability to perform flops will increase three fold, but your ability to read/write data to/from ram won't really improve so much. (note: this is an oversimplication, a lot depends on your system). Nevertheless, in general, the higher your ratio of flops to read/writes, the more benefits you can expect from parallelism. In your case, your code involves a decent number of read/writes (all of those accesses to your different arrays) for a relatively small number of flops (a few multiplactions and an addition). It's just something to keep in mind.

  3. Fortunately, your case is amenable to some good speedups from parallelism if written correctly. In my experience with Julia, all of my most successful parallelism comes when I can break data up and have workers process chunks of it separately. Your case happens to be amenable to that. Below is an example of some code I wrote that does that. You can see that it gets nearly a 3x increase in speed going from one processor to three. The code a bit crude in places, but it at least demonstrates the general idea of how something like this could be approached. I give a few comments on the code afterwards.


nx = 250;
nz = 250;
nh = 50;
nt = 250;
@everywhere ncol = 100;

model = rand(nz,nx,nh);

data = SharedArray(Float64,nt,ncol);

A = rand(nz,nx,nh);

B = rand(nz,nx,nh);

function distribute_data(X, obj_name_on_worker::Symbol, dim)
    size_per_worker = floor(Int,size(X,1) / nworkers())
    StartIdx = 1
    EndIdx = size_per_worker
    for (idx, pid) in enumerate(workers())
        if idx == nworkers()
            EndIdx = size(X,1)
        if dim == 3
            @spawnat(pid, eval(Main, Expr(:(=), obj_name_on_worker, X[StartIdx:EndIdx,:,:])))
        elseif dim == 2
            @spawnat(pid, eval(Main, Expr(:(=), obj_name_on_worker, X[StartIdx:EndIdx,:])))
        StartIdx = EndIdx + 1
        EndIdx = EndIdx + size_per_worker - 1

distribute_data(model, :model, 3)
distribute_data(A, :A, 3)
distribute_data(B, :B, 3)
distribute_data(data, :data, 2)

@everywhere function Dummy(icol,model,data,A,B)
    nx = size(model, 2)
    nz = size(A,1)
    nh = size(model, 3)
    for ih = 1:nh
        for ix = 1:nx
            for iz = 1:nz
                data[iz,icol] += A[iz,ix,ih]*B[iz,ix,ih]*model[iz,ix,ih]

regular_test() = map((arg)->Dummy(arg,model,data,A,B),[icol for icol = 1:ncol])

function parallel_test()
    @everywhere begin
        if myid() != 1
            map((arg)->Dummy(arg,model,data,A,B),[icol for icol = 1:ncol])

@time regular_test(); # 2.120631 seconds (307 allocations: 11.313 KB)
@time parallel_test(); # 0.918850 seconds (5.70 k allocations: 337.250 KB)

getfrom(p::Int, nm::Symbol; mod=Main) = fetch(@spawnat(p, getfield(mod, nm)))
function recombine_data(Data::Symbol)
    Results = cell(nworkers())
    for (idx, pid) in enumerate(workers())
        Results[idx] = getfrom(pid, Data)
    return vcat(Results...)

@time P_Data = recombine_data(:data); # 0.003132 seconds

P_Data == data  ## true


  • The use of the SharedArray is quite superfluous here. I just used it since it lends itself easily to being modified in place, which is how your code is originally written. This let me work more directly based on what you wrote without modifying it as much.

  • I didn't include the step to bring the data back in the time trial, but as you can see, it's quite a trivial amount of time in this case. In other situations, it might be less trivial, but data movement is just one of those issues that you face with parallelism.

  • When doing time trials in general, it is considered best practice to run the function once (in order to compile the code) and then run it again to get the times. That's what I did here.

  • See this SO post for where I got inspiration for some of these functions that I used here.

like image 107
Michael Ohlrogge Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Michael Ohlrogge