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Juddi publish and find service





I have successfully set up an Apache Juddi v3 installation (tomcat version) on my computer. What I want now is to publish a service whose WSDL is found at


To achieve this, I created a standalone Java application (starting from the Juddi documentation) that publishes the service found at the above location.

The publish part looks ok, but then I want to query the juddi database for the service but a field that should contain the found services is always null (getServiceInfos()). I really don't know what is wrong and I didn't find any good documentation or tutorial about this on the internet.

Here you can find the sources of the program. Just unarchive it and go to the ./publish folder. The application is found there.

like image 713
Ivan Andrei Avatar asked Dec 29 '10 09:12

Ivan Andrei

1 Answers

With out much Apache knowledge, It sounds as if getServiceInfos() function is trying to retrieve information from the wrong sub folder when you do a query. Try changing the location of the search Function so that it will search all folders/locations or a specific folder/location where the database is located.

I could be wrong ( I have limited skills with Apache ).

Good luck, sorry if this confused you or did not help.

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Chad C. Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Chad C.