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enable Annotation Processors option in Android Studio 2.2

I'm trying to use java 8 in my project and for that I added the jack compiler.

After enabling jack I started having problems with libraries that use Annotation Processing and looking in the web I read that I need android studio 2.2 and com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.0-alpha6 to compile libraries that generate code from annotations.

I download Android Studio 2.2 preview 6 and converted my project to it. And after that I discovered that the apt gradle plugin is not supported anymore and then I needed to change every dependency that use apt to the use the new annotationProcessor option.


apt "org.projectlombok:lombok:$rootProject.lombokVersion" 


annotationProcessor "org.projectlombok:lombok:$rootProject.lombokVersion" 

Now if I use "make project" the project is compiled without problems, but if I try to execute it I have errors with the code that should be generated by the annotations.

Also when I open the project I receive a warning from the lombok plugin "Annotation processing seems to be disabled for the project". When I open the project settings and go to "Build -> Compiler" I can't find Annotation Processors.

So, my question is: How can I enable Annotation Processors in Android Studio 2.2? This feature was disabled? If yes, how can I generate the code from annotations?

--EDIT-- I'm making a PullRequest to change the project to compile with Java8, you can check the PR here: https://github.com/jonathanrz/myexpenses-android/pull/57

like image 767
jonathanrz Avatar asked Jul 28 '16 17:07


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To enable annotations in your project, add the support-annotations dependency to your library or app. Any annotations you add then get checked when you run a code inspection or lint task.

What is an annotation processor?

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Why do we need annotation processor?

As we briefly mentioned, annotations processors are typically used to inspect the codebase against the presence of particular annotations and, depending on use case, to: generate a set of source or resource files. mutate (modify) the existing source code. analyze the exiting source code and generate diagnostic messages.

1 Answers

Close the project. In the "Welcome to Android Studio" dialog click "Configure" in the bottom right corner.


Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors. Tick 'Enable annotation processing'.

If that does not work. Delete the project from "Welcome to Android Studio" dialog and open from new.

Worked for me.

like image 102
Jacques Koorts Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Jacques Koorts