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.jsproj cannot be opened. This project type is not supported by this installation

I am trying to create a new project in VS2015 community edition using JavaScript template but getting error:

The project file 'IonicCordovaProjectSolution\IonicCordovaProject\IonicCordovaProject.jsproj' cannot be opened. This project type is not supported by this installation"

Do I need to install anything else to make JavaScript templates work?

like image 889
sanjeev Avatar asked Aug 14 '15 11:08


1 Answers

To make .jsproj work, HTML/JavaScript component must be selected while installing VS. For my case, I had selected typical installation so it didn't give option to select components to be installed and HTML/JavaScript component was not installed by default. Choose a custom installation and select Cross Platform Mobile Development > HTML/JavaScript

Re-execuate exe, select modify option and install HTML/JavaScript component, if you have already installed visual studio 2015 with typical installation.

like image 192
sanjeev Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
