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JSON.stringify an object with Knockout JS variables

Current scenario:

function Employee(data) {
var self = this;

// variables
this.Forename = ko.observable(data.Forename);
this.Surname = ko.observable(data.Surname);

this.Save = function () {
    var obj = JSON.stringify(self); // Without ko.observables, this works fine. self() doesn't work obviously.

I think what I'm trying to do is pretty straight forward, get all the observable values without going through every single one of them, and creating a JSON string using the stringify function. This is easy to do without observables, is there a simple way to do it with them?

like image 276
Chris Dixon Avatar asked Feb 26 '13 11:02

Chris Dixon

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2 Answers

Knockout has a built in toJSON function to do exactly this:

var json = ko.toJSON(viewModel);

ko.toJSON — this produces a JSON string representing your view model’s data. Internally, it simply calls ko.toJS on your view model, and then uses the browser’s native JSON serializer on the result. Note: for this to work on older browsers that have no native JSON serializer (e.g., IE 7 or earlier), you must also reference the json2.js library.

like image 185
Richard Dalton Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Richard Dalton

You can do this by 2 ways :


      var json = ko.toJSON(ko.mapping.toJS(viewModel))


      var json = JSON.stringify(ko.mapping.toJS(viewModel))
like image 32
ebram khalil Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

ebram khalil