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Json.Net unexpected characters ("\") when serializing my entities


I am using the excellent Json.Net library to serialize my entities generated by entity framework. I use the following code to do so :

using (MyVoucherEntities context = new MyVoucherEntities()) {   List<MyObject> list = context.MyObjects.ToList();   string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list); } 

Everything goes well I mean, the objects are correctly serialized except one think : it adds escape characters "\" that makes me having nightmare when deserializing on the client side.

 [      {          \"$id\": \"1\",          \"CreationDate\": \"\\\/Date(1293186324257+0000)\\\/\",         \"ImageUrl\": \"http:\/\/www.google.com\",          \"Title\": \"Here is a title\"      } ] 

Does anybody know why and how I can get rid of these escape characters slash "\" ?

like image 709
Renaud Avatar asked Jan 18 '11 22:01


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1 Answers

I suspect it's not actually adding escape characters at all. I suspect you're just looking at the string in a debugger, and that's adding the escaping.

Try dumping it to a file or the console.

like image 90
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Jon Skeet