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Spring intercept-url patterns


what is the difference between a Spring Security intercept-url pattern with path/** or path/* I've seen some Spring security configurations that have the below, but I don't understand the /* vs /**

like image 670
c12 Avatar asked Mar 09 '11 02:03


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1 Answers

The /** vs. /* is a pretty common thing in frameworks nowadays, and is generally referred to as Apache Ant Pathing or something similar. Basically, the difference between the 2 is that /** matches the entire directory tree, including subdirectories, where as /* only matches at the level it's specified at.

For example, suppose you had the following files

Main.java directory/Main.java 



Would match Main.java, but not directory/Main.java, whereas


would match both.

Obviously the principles applies exactly the same for urls in Spring Security, just seemed to a bit easier to illustrate it via file names in this case.

like image 150
Melv Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
