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JSON-based build tool?

I'm looking for a build tool (such as ant, maven, make, etc.) that uses JSON-based configuration files?

Does such a tool exist?

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Michael Hausenblas Avatar asked Feb 17 '12 18:02

Michael Hausenblas

2 Answers

Nokia/Qt just announced their "QBS" build system, which is JSON-based, and is actually a build engine intended for easy adoption by IDEs (a principal reason for adopting JSON).

Introducing qbs

Rather than a "pre-make" generator of Makefiles/vcprojs/etc. (like CMake and QMake, etc.), qbs is intended to actually be the build engine.

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charley Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09


Google turned up Gaudi though it is still in the early phases.

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D.Shawley Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
