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JSF CDI : Conversation scope bean[s] best practice





I'm currently learning about JSF 2.0 and im so glad for the existence of this conversation scope feature, which is very helpful in opening a new tab or a new window on the same page and having separate resources, not overriding one another.

But im curious on how to implement this in a good way, about when to start the conversation and when to close it.

In my case, i have each CDI bean for each JSF page. And let's say that i have a menu, and when it's clicked, this will lead to page A, and from A, could lead to B, B could lead to C, C could lead to D, all these 4 pages are connected in one chain.

Accessing A's bean properties from B or C or D beans is possible, accessing B's properties is also possible from C or D beans and so forth.

Now im quite confused about :

  • whether all these A B C D should be in conversation scope or not, or perhaps just A ? Because i think sometimes from another page that is outside the ABCD chain, like a page F, it could navigate to page B, although i dont know how to supply the data to the bean B yet.
  • whether all these A B C D should be combined into one bean
  • where and when to start the conversation, im thinking about the constructor, but i dont think it's a good idea, because i prefer starting the conversation when first accessing the page, not the bean
  • where and when to stop the conversation, so that there wont be unused resources hanging around

Please share your thoughts on this.

like image 926
Albert Gan Avatar asked Nov 22 '10 10:11

Albert Gan

1 Answers

JSF 2 provides Request, View, Session, and Application scopes. CDI introduces the Conversation scope, but more importantly, it introduces a standard by which new scopes can be added to the platform.

The Scope you are describing is probably better suited by a custom scope like a window scope. Two projects implementing this scope are:

  1. Apache MyFaces CODI
  2. IceFaces has a JSF (non-CDI) Window scope implementation.

Nevertheless, I would encourage you to rethink your bean structure. I've become quite fond of the View scope myself, coupled with the JSF 2 view parameters to propagate information from one page to another (and from one View scope instance to another).

MyFaces "View Access" scope seems like another neat approach, where a bean stays in scope so long as the pages you navigate through maintain a reference to that scope.

like image 147
Brian Leathem Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 09:11

Brian Leathem