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JSF 2.2 interpret empty string submitted values as null not working

I have migrated from Java EE 6 to Java EE 7, and now with JSF 2.2 the context param INTERPRET_EMPTY_STRING_SUBMITTED_VALUES_AS_NULL seems not work. In JSF 2.1 I set it to "true" and it works perfectly, but now I get always blank strings.


Can anyone say something about it?

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onsm7 Avatar asked Oct 24 '13 19:10


1 Answers

The same happens with glassfish 4 with the latest Mojarra-2.2.5 as well as Wildfly 8 Final . . . I have seen multiple bug reports on this, Manfried Riem says "It was determined this is an EL issue and the EL implementation has been fixed to fix this", but not sure if that means Updating Mojarra fixes it, because it does not in glassfish 4. I also updated the el, and that did not work either.

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Sphynx Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09
