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jQueryMobile: how to work with slider events?

I'm testing the slider events in jQueryMobile and I must been missing something.

page code is:

<div data-role="fieldcontain">
    <label for="slider">Input slider:</label>
    <input type="range" name="slider" id="slider" value="0" min="0" max="100"  />

and if I do:


I get

blur, focus, keyup, remove

What I want to do is to get the value once user release the slider handle

and having a hook to the keyup event as

$("#slider").bind("keyup", function() { alert('here'); } );

does absolutely nothing :(

I must say that I wrongly assumed that jQueryMobile used jQueryUI controls as it was my first thought, but now working deep in the events I can see this is not the case, only in terms of CSS Design.

What can I do?

jQuery Mobile Slider source code can be found on Git if it helps anyone as well a test page can be found at JSBin

As I understand, the #slider is the textbox with the value, so I would need to hook into the slider handle as the generated code for this slider is:

<div data-role="fieldcontain" class="ui-field-contain ui-body ui-br">
    <label for="slider" class="ui-input-text ui-slider" id="slider-label">Input slider:</label>
    <input data-type="range" max="100" min="0" value="0" id="slider" name="slider" class="ui-input-text ui-body-null ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset ui-body-c ui-slider-input" />
    <div role="application" class="ui-slider  ui-btn-down-c ui-btn-corner-all">
        <a class="ui-slider-handle ui-btn ui-btn-corner-all ui-shadow ui-btn-up-c" href="#" data-theme="c" role="slider" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="54" aria-valuetext="54" title="54" aria-labelledby="slider-label" style="left: 54%;">
            <span class="ui-btn-inner ui-btn-corner-all">
                <span class="ui-btn-text"></span>

and checking the events in the handler anchor I get only the click event



From Ivan answer, we just need:

<div data-role="fieldcontain">
    <label for="slider">Input slider:</label>
    <input type="range" name="slider" id="slider" value="0" min="0" max="100"  />

and then

$(document).bind("pagecreate", function(event, ui) {

    $('#slider').siblings('.ui-slider').bind('tap', function(event, ui){ makeAjaxChange($(this).siblings('input')); });
    $('#slider').siblings('.ui-slider a').bind('taphold', function(event, ui){ makeAjaxChange($(this).parent().siblings('input')); 


function makeAjaxChange( elem ) { 

Thank you Ivan for the heads up.

like image 622
balexandre Avatar asked Jan 03 '11 08:01


2 Answers

Try this code:

$( "#slider-1").on('slidestop', function( event ) {
   var slider_value=$("#slider-1").slider().val();
   alert('Value: '+slider_value);

I hope this work for you

like image 69
Cristianpark Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


My solution to your problem is to hookup handlers on tap and taphold events. Tap is hooked on div element of slider, while taphold is hooked on a element (slider control button).

HTML markup of slider:

<div class="ui-field-contain ui-body ui-br" data-role="fieldcontain" id="element-boravak3">
     <label class="ui-input-text ui-slider" id="boravak3-label" for="boravak3">strop</label>
    <input class="ui-input-text ui-body-null ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset ui-body-c ui-slider-input" name="boravak3" id="boravak3" value="0" min="0" max="100" data-type="range">
<!-- this is code that jQMobile generates -->
    <div role="application" class="ui-slider  ui-btn-down-c ui-btn-corner-all">
        <a class="ui-slider-handle ui-btn ui-btn-up-c ui-btn-corner-all ui-shadow" href="#" data-theme="c" role="slider" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuetext="0" title="0" aria-labelledby="boravak3-label" style="left: 0%;">
            <span class="ui-btn-inner ui-btn-corner-all">
                <span class="ui-btn-text"></span>


$('#' + id).slider();
$('#' + id).siblings('.ui-slider').bind('tap', function(){ makeAjaxChange($(this).siblings('input')); });
$('#' + id).siblings('.ui-slider a').bind('taphold', function(){ makeAjaxChange($(this).parent().siblings('input')); });

Function makesAjaxChange(elem) makes the update to the server. There is one other thing to note here, changing value in input field does not updates server so you have to bind function to change event of input element. Also you must pay attention that by doing this every slider control move will trigger input element change so you have to workaround that too.

This is why jQuery Mobile is NOT jQuery UI for mobile devices. You dont have these things sorted out and must do them yourself.

I hope this helps.

EDIT: I forgot to explain why tap on div.ui-slider and taphold on a.ui-slider-handle. div.ui-handler tap is for click/tap event when user just clicks or taps a finger on slidebar. a.ui-slider-handle tabhold is after user was moving with mouse or finger left/right down the slidebar and released it.


like image 36
Ivan Hušnjak Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Ivan Hušnjak