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jQuery.data() namespace

How can I avoid conflicts with other jQuery plugins using $.data()?

I was thinking I could use a single key to store my data like

$(el).data('myplugin', { foo: 'a', xyz: 34});

and access it like $(el).data('myplugin').foo etc.

But how can easily change a value, without overriding the whole data? Like changing the value of "foo".

like image 531
Alex Avatar asked May 03 '12 18:05


2 Answers

Why not using





So if you don't need to access more than one value at the same time, you avoid useless indirections and tests.

like image 140
Denys Séguret Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10

Denys Séguret

Just change the property you want to change.


var el = $("<div />");    
el.data("myPlugin",{ foo: "foo" });
console.log(el.data("myPlugin").foo); // foo
el.data("myPlugin").foo = "bar";
console.log(el.data("myPlugin").foo); // bar

As far as namespace conflicts, one solution is to generate a timestamp at runtime (when the plugin is defined) and use that timestamp in your namespace. It still isn't 100% protected against conflicts in the fastest browsers, but it gets pretty close.

like image 40
Kevin B Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10

Kevin B