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Javascript eval (and friends)

Some claim eval is evil.

Any regular HTML page may look like:

        <script src="some-trendy-js-library.js"></script>

That is, assuming the person doing this knows his job and leaves javascript to load at the end of the page.

Here, we are basically loading a script file into the web browser. Some people have gone deeper and use this as a way to communicate with a 3rd party server...

<script src="//foo.com/bar.js"></script>

At this point, it's been found important to actually load those scripts conditionally at runtime, for whatever reason.

What is my point? While the mechanics differ, we're doing the same thing...executing a piece of plain text as code - aka eval().

Now that I've made my point clear, here goes the question...

Given certain conditions, such as an AJAX request, or (more interestingly) a websocket connection, what is the best way to execute a response from the server?

Here's a couple to get you thinking...

  • eval() the server's output. (did that guy over there just faint?)
  • run a named function returned by the server: var resp = sock.msg; myObj[resp]();
  • build my own parser to figure out what the server is trying to tell me without messing with the javascript directly.
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Christian Avatar asked Feb 13 '12 19:02


People also ask

Why we should not use eval in JavaScript?

eval() is a dangerous function, which executes the code it's passed with the privileges of the caller. If you run eval() with a string that could be affected by a malicious party, you may end up running malicious code on the user's machine with the permissions of your webpage / extension.

What does eval () do in JavaScript?

JavaScript eval() The eval() method evaluates or executes an argument. If the argument is an expression, eval() evaluates the expression. If the argument is one or more JavaScript statements, eval() executes the statements.

What can I replace eval with?

Answer : You should use the 'new Function()' instead.

Is JavaScript eval safe?

If the data is comming from your server and its something that you, the developer has generated, there is no harm in using eval(). The real harm is beliving everything you read.

2 Answers

Given certain conditions, such as an AJAX request, or (more interestingly) a websocket connection, what is the best way to execute a response from the server?

The main criticism of eval when used to parse message results is that it is overkill -- you are using a sledgehammer to swat a fly with all the extra risk that comes from overpowered tools -- they can bounce back and hit you.

Let's break the kinds of responses into a few different categories:

  1. Static javascript loaded on demand
  2. A dynamic response from a trusted source on a secure channel that includes no content specified by untrusted parties.
  3. A dynamic response from mixed sources (maybe mostly trusted but includes encoded strings specified by untrusted parties) that is mostly data
  4. Side-effects based on data

For (1), there is no difference between XHR+eval and <script src>, but XHR+eval has few advantages.

For (2), little difference. If you can unpack the response using JSON.parse you are likely to run into fewer problems, but eval's extra authority is less likely to be abused with data from a trusted source than otherwise so not a big deal if you've got a good positive reason for eval.

For (3), there is a big difference. eval's extra-abusable authority is likely to bite you even if you're very careful. This is brittle security-wise. Don't do it.

For (4), it's best if you can separate it into a data problem and a code problem. JSONP allows this if you can validate the result before execution. Parse the data using JSON.parse or something else with little abusable authority, so a function you wrote and approved for external use does the side-effects. This minimizes the excess abusable authority. Naive eval is dangerous here.

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Mike Samuel Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Mike Samuel

"Evil" does not mean "forbidden". Sometimes, there are perfectly good reasons to use so-called "evil" features. They are just called "evil" since they can be, and often are, misused.

In your case, the client-side script is only allowed to make requests to "its own" server. This is the same server the original JavaScript came from, so the dynamic response is as trusted as the original code. A perfectly valid scenario for eval().

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Ferdinand Beyer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

Ferdinand Beyer