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jQuery.ajax() fails to send a request to some URLs but not others

In our Rails application we have an inline editing feature which PUTs changes back to the server. The URL to PUT to changes depending on which type of object is being edited / which page the user is on, but the same JavaScript supports the feature on all pages. I'm encountering an issue where jQuery's AJAX requests sometimes fail without ever touching the server, and they give no error message other than "error." I've been attempting to debug this in the console but with no success. The extremely strange part is that it seems to be due to something in the URL passed to $.ajax() which causes the issue.

In the console, this works as expected:

> errorCallback = function( jqxhr, status, err ){
    console.log( "Ajax call encountered an error: '" + status + "'" );
    console.log( jqxhr );
    console.log( err );
> options = { type: 'PUT', error: errorCallback, data: { cerebro: true, name: 'cerebro-edit-span-2-title', pk: null, value: 'Test' }, url: '/staff/employees/2.json' };
> test1 = $.ajax( options );
> test1.readyState;

So I can see that the AJAX request is completing normally, with no error callback fired, and a final readyState of 4 as expected. But now watch if I change only the middle portion of the URL:

> options.url = '/staff/job_advertisements/2.json';
> test2 = $.ajax( options );
  Ajax call encountered an error: 'error'
  Object {readyState: 0, getResponseHeader: function, ... } // elided for clarity

X PUT http://localhost:3000/staff/job_advertisements/2.json        jquery.js:8527
> test2.readyState;

With this different URL, the AJAX call fails before it even hits the application server! A review of the logs of the development machine shows that no request is ever made to /staff/job_advertisements/2.json -- that is, the issue cannot be due to the server returning 500 or 404 or other error codes, because the server is not even receiving the request from the browser. Just to prove that the issue is client-side, not server-side (and to rule out the possibility that it has something to do with the underscore) I tried setting the URL to a few nonsense values that actually do not exist in the application:

> options.url = '/staff/jobadvertisements/2.json';
> test3 = $.ajax( options );
X PUT http://localhost:3000/staff/jobadvertisements/2.json 500 (Internal Server Error)    jquery.js:8527
  Ajax call encountered an error: 'error'
  Object {readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: function, ... } // elided for clarity

> test3.readyState;
> options.url = '/staff/empl_oyees/2.json';
> test4 = $.ajax( options );
X PUT http://localhost:3000/staff/empl_oyees/2.json 500 (Internal Server Error)    jquery.js:8527
  Ajax call encountered an error: 'error'
  Object {readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: function, ... } // elided for clarity

> test4.readyState;

In tests 3 and 4 I also see the request, the 500 status code, and the resulting exception in the application log, whereas no log lines were present in test 2 (the failing case). So tests 3 and 4 demonstrate that it's not an issue with the request path not existing, because when the request path doesn't exist, the error message contains the 500 status code and the readyState is still set to 4. And they also demonstrate that it's not an issue with the underscore being disallowed.

I have searched jQuery's documentation on the ajax() method and I cannot find any assistance, so... javascript / jQuery gurus, I leave this one to you: What is it about a URL that might cause a jQuery AJAX request to fail before it even is sent? And more importantly, how can I fix this?

like image 842
Jazz Avatar asked Mar 28 '13 20:03


People also ask

Can I send AJAX request to another domain?

Cross-origin resource sharing (or CORS) can be used to make AJAX requests to another domain.

Why does AJAX call fail?

ajax method lets you set a timeout in milli seconds. When a timeout happens, The fail callback is called, with errorThrown set to "timeout". The request is aborted, meaning that even if the response arrives later on, your done callback is not called by jQuery.

What is cross domain violation AJAX?

A common problem for developers is a browser to refuse access to a remote resource. Usually, this happens when you execute AJAX cross domain request using jQuery Ajax interface, Fetch API, or plain XMLHttpRequest. As result is that the AJAX request is not performed and data are not retrieved.

What is the use of AJAX () method?

The ajax() method is used to perform an AJAX (asynchronous HTTP) request. All jQuery AJAX methods use the ajax() method. This method is mostly used for requests where the other methods cannot be used.

1 Answers

Do you have AdBlock [Plus] enabled? If so, it silently blocks all requests to URLs containing advertisements. Or, it seems so, _advertisements.

like image 68
Aneri Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10
