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jQuery, why the rewind playbackRate doesn't work?

I got the fast forward playbackRate work fine. Now I try with the rewind part with negative number but it doesn't work. The w3school say to use negative number to rewind it. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/av_prop_playbackrate.asp Anyone can tell me what I did wrong?

Here my javascript worked code for fast forward,

$("#speed").click(function() { // button function for 3x fast speed forward
    video.playbackRate = 3.0;

Then here not success rewind code,

$("#negative").click(function() { // button function for rewind
    video.playbackRate = -3.0;
like image 583
StudentIT Avatar asked Apr 16 '13 19:04


2 Answers

Sample Fiddle

Doesn't look like there is complete browser support for the playback rate option as far as rewind is concerned. You can fake it by using setinterval and subtracting the currentTime of the video.

var video = document.getElementById('video');
var intervalRewind;
    video.playbackRate = 1.0;
    video.playbackRate = 1.0;
$("#speed").click(function() { // button function for 3x fast speed forward
    video.playbackRate = 3.0;
$("#negative").click(function() { // button function for rewind
   intervalRewind = setInterval(function(){
       video.playbackRate = 1.0;
       if(video.currentTime == 0){
           video.currentTime += -.1;

I also added some extra listeners for the play and pause button to clear the interval. Might want to look into doing some toggling feature on the fast foward and rewind buttons as well.

like image 186
Blake Plumb Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Blake Plumb

  • Make sure you test in a supported browser. I only found it to work on IE10 (though it's quite sloppy)

  • Trying to set a negative value in IE9 causes the video to pause (sets it to 0)

  • It's supposed to work in chrome according to w3schools, but I haven't had luck there

  • Should work on Safari too, though I haven't tested


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motatoes Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09
