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jQuery Validation: Changing Rules Dynamically

I have a single form that, depending on which radio button is clicked (Login or Signup), displays either:

  • email address
  • password


  • name
  • age
  • email address
  • password

Clicking on the radio button toggles the visibility of the Login/Signup fields:

<form id="myForm">     <input name="userAction" type="radio" value="login" checked="checked">Login</input>     <br />     <input name="userAction" type="radio" value="signup">Sign Up</input>      <div id="loginFields" style="display:none">         <!-- Login fields (email address and password) -->     </div>      <div id="signupFields" style="display:none">         <!-- Signup fields (name, age, email address, password) -->     </div> </form> 

I'm using the jQuery Validation plug-in, and I'd like to use the following rules:

var signupRules = {     emailAddressTextBox:     {         required: true,         email: true      },     passwordTextBox:     {         required: true,         minlength: 6,         maxlength: 24,         passwordValidationRule: true // custom regex added with $.validator.addMethod()     } };  var loginRules = {     nameTextBox:     {         required: true,         maxlength: 50     },     loginEmailAddressTextBox:     {         required: true,         email: true      },     loginPasswordTextBox:     {         required: true,         minlength: 6,         maxlength: 24,         passwordValidationRule: true // custom regex added with $.validator.addMethod()     },     loginPasswordAgainTextBox:     {         required: true,         minlength: 6,         maxlength: 24,         equalTo: "#loginPasswordTextBox"         passwordValidationRule: true // custom regex added with $.validator.addMethod()             } }; 

How can I add the correct validation rule dynamically based on:

   $("input[name='userAction']").change(function() {         if ($("input[name='userAction']:checked" ).val() === "login") {             // use loginRules         } else {             // use signupRules         }     }); 

I've tried the following:

$("#myForm").validate({     rules: ($("input[name='userAction']:checked" ).val() === "login") ? loginRules : signupRules; }); 

But since my Login fields are the default displayed, its validations work, but the Signup scenario doesn't; it wants to validate Login fields for some reason. Am I missing something?

like image 840
Bullines Avatar asked Nov 08 '10 22:11


1 Answers

Ahh validation plugin, always so tricky :(

First, I added id attributes to all the input boxes. Then, I made a change function for you:

$("input[name='userAction']").change(function() {     $('#signupFields').toggle();     $('#loginFields').toggle();         if ($("input[name='userAction']:checked").val() === "login") {         removeRules(signupRules);         addRules(loginRules);     } else {                 removeRules(loginRules);         addRules(signupRules);      } }); 

The add and remove functions look like this:

function addRules(rulesObj){     for (var item in rulesObj){        $('#'+item).rules('add',rulesObj[item]);       }  }  function removeRules(rulesObj){     for (var item in rulesObj){        $('#'+item).rules('remove');       }  } 

That's pretty much it. See here for a working example: http://jsfiddle.net/ryleyb/wHpus/66/

EDIT: To me, the non-intuitive part is that I don't see an easy way to add/remove rules to the whole form after you call validate, instead you have to manipulate the individual form elements.

like image 158
Ryley Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
