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jquery validate plugin on dynamic form inputs not working

I've a form where I'm having some fields and then if needed user can add more fields of same type. Im using http://jqueryvalidation.org/ validate plugin to validate fields.

As I read somewhere jquery validate plugin requires unique names to fields for validating them. So i'm naming each field uniquely. First I hoped that validate plugin will take care of dynamically added element's validation if I add rules using classes. But it turns out it does not.

So even if name of each field is unique, validate plugin validates only first input which was rendered initially.

I even tried using $.clone() in hope that it'll take care of all event bindings. But it did not worked for me. So I moved to underscore to repeat the markup as there are number of fields and I don't want to write templates in JS and name accordingly.

I can't find a solution to this and stuck here. Can't more on until this issue is resolved.

Here's JS that I've written.


$(".work_emp_name").rules("add", {
    required: true

_.templateSettings.variable = "element";
var tpl = _.template($("#form_tpl").html());

var counter = 1;

$("form").on("click", ".add_employer", function (e) {
    var tplData = {
        i: counter
    counter += 1;

Please find markup in fiddle set up.

example and code set up here

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SachinGutte Avatar asked Dec 13 '13 08:12


1 Answers

When using one of the methods from this plugin, like .rules(), and targeting more than one element, like a class, you must also use the jQuery .each() method.

$('.work_emp_name').each(function () {
    $(this).rules("add", {
        required: true

And you cannot use .rules() on elements that don't yet exist in the DOM. Simply move the .rules() method to inside the function that creates your new inputs.

$("form").on("click", ".add_employer", function (e) {
    var tplData = {
        i: counter
    counter += 1;
    $('.work_emp_name').each(function () { 
        $(this).rules("add", {
            required: true

Working DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/Yy2gB/10/

However, you can make it more efficient by only targeting the one new field, instead of all fields with the work_emp_name class.

$("form").on("click", ".add_employer", function (e) {
    var tplData = {
        i: counter
    $("#word_exp_area").append(tpl(tplData));   // <- add new field
    $('input[name="work_emp_name['+counter+']"]').rules("add", {  // <- apply rule to new field
        required: true
    counter += 1;

Working DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/Yy2gB/11/

Both of my examples above are for adding rules to the dynamically created fields. You'll still need to declare any rules for your static fields upon dom ready as follows...

    rules: {
        "work_emp_name[0]": {
            required: true
like image 65
Sparky Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10
