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jQuery Validate extension method not working

I am adding the rule below to an existing jQuery Validate script using extension, but this snippet causes it to break and not validate at all. I have tried every possible combination of commas before and after, and I have also tried using the accept method with mimetypes, but nothing thus far has worked. If I comment out this snippet (and the comment on the line before it), the code works perfectly, but adding this in causes it to break.

Here's a jsFiddle with the code as-is (doesn't work), and here's one with exactly the same code except the snippet is commented out (works fine).

The snippet itself:

form1upload: {
    extension: "jpg|jpeg|pdf|doc|docx|png"

The full code:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        rules: {
            form1name: "required",
            form1building: "required",
            form1position: "required",
            form1phonex: "required",
            form1besttime: "required",
            form1projtitle: "required",
            form1benefit: "required",
            form1timeframe: "required",
            form1relevance: "required",
            form1description: "required",
            form1amount: "required",
            form1acceptchk: "required",
            form1upload: {
                extension: "jpg|jpeg|pdf|doc|docx|png"
        messages: {
            form1name: "You must enter your name.",
            form1building: "You must enter your building.",
            form1position: "You must enter your position.",
            form1phonex: "You must enter your phone extension.",
            form1besttime: "You must enter the best time to contact you.",
            form1projtitle: "You must give your project a title.",
            form1benefit: "You must enter the number of students who will benefit.",
            form1timeframe: "You must enter a time frame for this project.",
            form1relevance: "<br />You must state how this project is relevant to education.",
            form1description: "<br />You must provide a description of your project.",
            form1amount: "You must enter a requested amount.",
            form1acceptchk: "<span style=\"position:relative;top:-10px;\">You must accept the terms.</span>",
            form1upload: "You may not upload this type of file."
        errorPlacement: function (error, element) { 
            if (element.attr("name") == "form1acceptchk") {
            } else {
like image 310
vaindil Avatar asked Mar 16 '13 00:03


1 Answers

That's because the extension rule/method is not part of the jQuery Validate plugin by default.

You must include the jQuery Validate plugin's additional-methods.js file if you want to use the extension rule.

It seems to be working now...


like image 138
Sparky Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10
