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JQuery UI show/slide not working correctly

The EDIT of all edits: after literally months working on it, the issue seems to be when some/all of the elements inside the current element are floated/absolutely positioned. This seems to interfere with the sliding.

If you have this same problem, I wish you luck in resolving your issue.

Original Post:

Pretty simple really. I have several divs with several elements, and only one of these divs are shown at a time (the rest are hidden).

When the user clicks "Next", the current div should hide by sliding to the left, and the next div should be shown by sliding in from the right (the actual logic is not an issue).

When I tried doing this with .slideUp() and .slideDown() it worked beautifully. However, when trying:

$(oldBox).hide("slide", { direction: "right" }, 1000);

it doesn't work. I have JQuery UI linked to already, so that's not the issue.

Any help would be much appreciated.

EDIT: Link to JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/NFyRW/

EDIT2: It words in JSFiddle; however, I've been unable to get it to work on my actual site. The JS is in a separate file, and is loaded in the header of each page (same header for every single page).

like image 636
General_Twyckenham Avatar asked Nov 24 '22 23:11


1 Answers

If your slides are positioned absolutely, animate them using the left property. If they're relative, then switch out the left for margin-left.

Considering your HTML looks similar to this:

<div id="mainContainer">
   <div class="slide"></div>
   <div class="slide"></div>

#mainContainer {}
.slide {position:absolute;top:0;left:0;}

Something like this should

  • fade out the current slide
  • push out the current slide to the left
  • fade in the new slide
  • pull in the new slide from the right


var $oldBox=$('#oldBox');

like image 114
Aaron Avatar answered Nov 26 '22 20:11
