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jQuery UI drop on empty container/list not working

I have a problem with the jQuery UI sortable widget. I simply can't drop any item on an empty container. When the container has an item it works perfectly. I call the widget like this:

$(".apc_row--columns", this.$el).sortable({
    placeholder: 'apc_drop-placeholder-blocked',
    forcePlaceholderSize: true,
    items: '.apc_inner_item',
    connectWith: ".apc_column--content",
    tolerance: "pointer",
    handle: '.move_handle',
    helper: "clone",
    dropOnEmpty: true,
    distance: 0.5,
    stop: function(event, ui){
        that.droppedItem(ui.item, ui.item.index());

Searching found out that the connected list/container needs a padding/min-height so jQuery could calculate the position correctly.

But the connected div ".apc_column--content" has a min-height and also a padding. I also tested to put an item with "display:none" on the container but that didn't help.

I just cannot get it to work (tested all browsers) and would really appreciate any help!

Thank you.

EDIT: Made a jsfiddle for the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/Sf5QW/1/

If you move all items from the left list to the right (or other way) you can't move any item to the empty list.

like image 596
dozed Avatar asked Aug 10 '13 16:08


2 Answers


Basically, you were setting the sortable on the wrong element. I change it to the .apc_column--content element and now it works. Since both lists have that class I also had to change the connectWith property to that as well.


            placeholder: 'apc_drop-placeholder-blocked',
            forcePlaceholderSize: true,
            items: '.apc_inner_item',
            connectWith: ".apc_column--content",
            tolerance: "pointer",
            dropOnEmpty: true,
            distance: 0.5,
            stop: function(event, ui){
                // that.droppedItem(ui.item, ui.item.index());
like image 64
Rooster Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 06:11


u could add an empty invisible <li></li> to the empty ul to solve this problem . ^_^

like image 6
Adams.H Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 04:11
