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jQuery ui draggable elements not 'draggable' outside of scrolling div

I have many elements (floating href tags) in a div with a set height/width, with scroll set to overflow: auto in the CSS.

This is the structure of the divs:

<div id="tagFun_div_main"> <div id="tf_div_tagsReturn">     <!-- all the draggable elements go in here, the parent div scolls --> </div> <div id=" tf_div_tagsDrop">     <div id="tf_dropBox"></div> </div></div> 

the parent div's, 'tf_div_tagsReturn' and 'tf_div_tagsDrop' will ultimately float next to each other.

Here is the jQuery which is run after all of the 'draggable' elements have been created with class name 'tag_cell', :

$(function() {     $(".tag_cell").draggable({          revert: 'invalid',          scroll: false,         containment: '#tagFun_div_main'     });     $("#tf_dropBox").droppable({         accept: '.tag_cell',         hoverClass: 'tf_dropBox_hover',         activeClass: 'tf_dropBox_active',         drop: function(event, ui) {             GLOBAL_ary_tf_tags.push(ui.draggable.html());             tagFun_reload();         }     }); });  

as I stated above, the draggable elements are draggable within div 'tf_div_tagsReturn', but they do not visually drag outside of that parent div. worthy to note, if I am dragging one of the draggable elements, and move the mouse over the droppable div, with id 'tf_dropBox', then the hoverclass is fired, I just can't see the draggable element any more.

This is my first run at using jQuery, so hopefully I am just missing something super obvious. I've been reading the documentation and searching forums thus far to no prevail :(


many thanks to Jabes88 for providing the solution which allowed me to achieve the functionality I was looking for. Here is what my jQuery ended up looking like:

$(function() {     $(".tag_cell").draggable({          revert: 'invalid',          scroll: false,         containment: '#tagFun_div_main',         helper: 'clone',         start : function() {         this.style.display="none";         },         stop: function() {         this.style.display="";         }     });     $(".tf_dropBox").droppable({         accept: '.tag_cell',         hoverClass: 'tf_dropBox_hover',         activeClass: 'tf_dropBox_active',         drop: function(event, ui) {             GLOBAL_ary_tf_tags.push(ui.draggable.html());             tagFun_reload();         }     }); });  
like image 357
Seth Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 01:01


People also ask

Why is draggable not working?

You have one of these problems: Your jQuery or jQuery UI Javascript path files are wrong. Your jQuery UI does not include draggable. Your jQuery or jQuery UI Javascript files are corrupted.

How do you get the position of the draggable element?

The . position() method allows us to retrieve the current position of an element relative to the offset parent. Contrast this with . offset() , which retrieves the current position relative to the document.

2 Answers

Are you going to allow more than one instance with your draggable objects? then use the helper and append option:

$(".tag_cell").draggable({    helper: 'clone',   appendTo: 'div#myHelperHolder' }); 

Then in your css you can set the zindex of div#myHelperHolder to be 999. If not, then try just using the zindex option:

$(".tag_cell").draggable({    zIndex: 999 }); 

I would also consider setting addClasses to stop the plugin from adding all those annoying classes that waste processor speed.


Okay after playing with it for a bit I came up with this: the scroll option doesn't stop the child from being hidden with overflow. I've read some other posts and I cant find a single solution. But I came up with a bit of a work-a-round that gets the job done.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>     <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>     <script type="text/javascript">     google.load("jquery", "1.4.0");     google.load("jqueryui", "1.7.2");        google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoad);     function OnLoad(){         var dropped = false;         $(".tag_cell").draggable({              addClasses: false,             revert: 'invalid',             containment: '#tagFun_div_main',             helper: 'clone',             appendTo: '#tagFun_div_helper',             start: function(event, ui) {                 dropped = false;                 $(this).addClass("hide");             },             stop: function(event, ui) {                 if (dropped==true) {                     $(this).remove();                 } else {                     $(this).removeClass("hide");                 }             }         });         $("#tf_dropBox").droppable({             accept: '.tag_cell',             hoverClass: 'tf_dropBox_hover',             activeClass: 'tf_dropBox_active',             drop: function(event, ui) {                 dropped = true;                 $.ui.ddmanager.current.cancelHelperRemoval = true;                 ui.helper.appendTo(this);             }         });     }     </script>     <style>         div#tagFun_div_main { display:block; width:800px; height:400px; margin:auto; padding:10px; background:#F00; }         div#tf_div_tagsReturn { display:block; width:200px; height:100%; float:left; overflow:auto; background:#000; }         div#tf_div_tagsDrop { display:block; width:200px; height:100%; float:right; background:#0F0; }         div#tf_dropBox { display:block; width:100%; height:250px; background:#F0F; }         span.tag_cell { display:block; width:25px; height:25px; margin:1px; float:left; cursor:pointer; background:#0FF; z-index:99; }         span.tag_cell.hide { display:none; }         div#tf_dropBox.tf_dropBox_hover { background:#FFF !important; }         div#tf_dropBox.tf_dropBox_active { background:#333; }     </style> </head> <body>     <div id="tagFun_div_main">         <div id="tf_div_tagsReturn">             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>             <span class="tag_cell"></span>         </div>         <div id="tf_div_tagsDrop">             <div id="tf_dropBox"></div>         </div>     </div>     <div id="tagFun_div_helper">     <!-- this is where the helper gets appended for temporary use -->     </div> </body> </html> 

I pasted my entire code so you can try it out. Here is a brief description: When you start to drag an item it hides the original, clones it, then appends the clone to a container outside the overflow area. Once dropped it removes the original and moves the clone into the drop zone. Great so now we have fixed that overflow issue but run into some others. When you drop the clone item into the drop zone it disappears. To stop that from happening I used this method:

$.ui.ddmanager.current.cancelHelperRemoval = true; 

Now we have stopped the helper from being removed but it remains in "div#tagFun_div_helper" while the original draggable item has reappeared.


This will transfer the helper from "div#tagFun_div_helper" into our drop zone.

dropped = true; 

This will tell our stop function to delete the original item from the group instead of removing the ".hide" class. Hope that helps!

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Justin Bull Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 12:10

Justin Bull

In my case, this solved it for me and works perfectly!


$(".amigo").draggable({             revert: "invalid" ,             helper: function(){                 $copy = $(this).clone();                 return $copy;},             appendTo: 'body',             scroll: false         }); 
like image 32
capsula Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 13:10
