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jquery selectors for plain javascript objects instead of DOM elements

I've just started using jquery and I'm really enjoying using selectors. It occurs to me that the idiom would be a very nice way to traverse object trees (e.g., JSON query results). For example, if I have an object like this:

var obj = { 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2,
            'child': { 'baz': [3, 4, 5] }

I would love to be able to write something like $('child baz:last', obj) and get 5. I recognize that chaining wouldn't work, but I'd still love the selection operator. Anyone know if such a beast exists, or what the easiest way would be to write one?

like image 797
brendan Avatar asked Jul 17 '09 16:07


1 Answers

Here's a proof-of-concept implementation for getting jQuery itself work on objects. Through an object wrapper (FakeNode), you can trick jQuery into using its built-in selector engine (Sizzle) on plain JavaScript objects:

function FakeNode(obj, name, parent) {
    this.obj = obj;
    this.nodeName = name;
    this.nodeType = name ? 1 : 9; // element or document
    this.parentNode = parent;

FakeNode.prototype = {
    documentElement: { nodeName: "fake" },

    getElementsByTagName: function (tagName) {
        var nodes = [];

        for (var p in this.obj) {
            var node = new FakeNode(this.obj[p], p, this);

            if (p === tagName) {


        return nodes;

function $$(sel, context) {
    return $(sel, new FakeNode(context));

And the usage would be:

var obj = {
    foo: 1,
    bar: 2,
    child: {
        baz: [ 3, 4, 5 ],
        bar: {
            bar: 3

function test(selector) {
    document.write("Selector: " + selector + "<br>");

    $$(selector, obj).each(function () {
        document.write("- Found: " + this.obj + "<br>");

test("child baz");

Giving the output:

Selector: child baz
- Found: 3,4,5
Selector: bar
- Found: 2
- Found: [object Object]
- Found: 3

Of course, you'd have to implement a lot more than the above to support more complex selectors.

BTW, have you seen jLinq?

like image 85
Ates Goral Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Ates Goral