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jQuery select only tr/td in main table, not nested tables.



I currently have a table with a nested table in it:

   <table class="datagrid" id="report">
       <tr class="odd"> <-- on click from this level only 
        <td colspan="2">
          <tr class="odd"> <-- not to be fired here

etc table structure.

I am currently using the following jQuery, which fires on every tr regardless of the table level. How do I change it to only fire on the first level?

            $("#report tr:not(.odd)").hide();
            $("#report tr:first-child").show();

            $("#report tr.odd").click(function(){
                $(this).next("#report tr").fadeToggle(600);
like image 636
TheAlbear Avatar asked Mar 04 '10 16:03


3 Answers

Use the child selector > to only select those tr elements that are a child of the report table’s tbody, for example:

$("#report > tbody > tr.odd")
like image 153
Gumbo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09


with this solution it does not matter whether you have a tbody tag in between:

like image 30
nerdess Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09


You use the > selector to target only the direct descendant of an element. You have to target the implicit tbody element inside the table also:

like image 30
Guffa Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
