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jquery rotation plugin - that works like jquery ui resize

I've just noticed that something terrible is missing in jquery-ui. A way to rotate elements, not just drag \ drop \ resize them.

I am aware of a couple of plugins out there to give the ability of rotating images. Though if you notice, all these plugins are not supposed to give the end user the ability to rotate images, but the web master. I am looking for something that comes with a handle (similar to the jquery-ui handle)

Is there any way to incorporate this functionality into my web project? Are there any good plugins out there you know of?


like image 892
vondip Avatar asked Feb 06 '11 13:02


1 Answers

OMG, it's past a full year. Anyway...

I think the author of question was looking for something like this http://vremenno.net/js/jquery-ui-rotation-using-css-transform/

URL to script: http://vremenno.net/examples/jquery-ui-rotation/jquery.ui.rotation.zip

If you need, I can help you with translation of the article.

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Ilia Liachin Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09

Ilia Liachin