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jQuery post request interrupted: Only half of post parameters arrive


I have a noticed a strange phenomenon in my LAMP environment.
Over the frontend I execute an AJAX post request with jQuery like this:

$.post('save.php', {data1: d1, data2: d2, [...],  dataN: dN}) 

The variables d1 to dN are collected from the website (e.g. from text inputs, textareas, checkboxes, etc.) with jQuery beforehand.

The file save.php takes the post parameters data1 to dataN and saves them in the database in one query.

The request takes about 500ms and works without problems unless I change pages (e.g. by clicking a link) during the request.

Normally, I would expect the request to be aborted and ignored (which would be fine) but (and this is the strange behaviour) the request seems to be completed but only with part of the data transmitted and thus saved.

That means for example, that the php script saves only data1 to data5 and sets data6 to dataN to empty.
The problem seems to be caused by the AJAX request already (not the php script) since fields $_POST['data6'] to $_POST['dataN'] are not set in php in this scenario.

So my questions:
Why does this happen (is this expected behaviour)?
How can I avoid it?

The problem is neither jQuery nor php solely. jQuery collects the values correctly and tries to post them to php. I just validated it - it works. The php script on the other hand handles everything it gets as expected - it just does not receive the whole request.
So the problem must be the interrupted request itself. Unlike I'd expect it does not abort or fail, it still transmits all the data until the cut off.
Then php gets this post data and starts handling it - obviously missing some information.

Update 2
I fixed the problem by adding a parameter eof after dataN and checking if it was set in php. This way I can be sure the whole request was transmitted.
Nevertheless this does not fix the source of the problem which I still don't understand.
Any help anyone?

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Horen Avatar asked Jun 05 '13 07:06


2 Answers

Try the following actions to debug the problem:

  1. Check post_max_size in your php settings and compare it with the data size you are posting.

  2. User HTTP request builder, i.e. Use Fiddler to make an http request and check what it returns.

  3. Use print_r($_POST); on the top of the save.php, to check what you are getting in it.

  4. Use tool like Firebug to check what jQuery has posted.

  5. You should also verify the json object on client side that you are posting. i.e. JSON.stringify(some_object);

  6. Try posting some basic sample data { "data1":1, "data2":2, "data3":3, "data4":4, "data5":5 , "data6":6 }

Most probably you are sending to much data or likely data is invalid!

Edits: Very Foolish act but lets say you posted count as well. so directly check isset($_POST['data'.$_POST['count']] )

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Waqar Alamgir Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Waqar Alamgir

I think we can rule out problems at the server site (unless it's some exotic or self-crafted server daemon), because nobody ever sends "end-of-data"-parameters with a HTTP POST request to make sure all data is really sent. This is handled by HTTP itself (see e.g. Detect end of HTTP request body). Moreover, I don't think that you have to check the Content-Length header when POSTing data to your server, simply because of the fact that nobody does this, ever. At least not in totally common circumstances like you describe them (sending Ajax POST through jQuery).

So I suppose that jQuery sends a syntactically correct POST, but it's cut off. My guess is that if you interrupt this data collecting by navigating to another page, jQuery builds an Ajax request out of the data which it was able to gather and sends a syntactically correct POST to your server, but with cut off data.

Since you're using Firebug, please go to its net tab and activate persist, so traffic data is not lost when navigating to another page. Then trigger your Ajax POST, navigate to another page (and thereby "interrupt" the Ajax call) and check in Firebug's net tab what data has actually been sent to the server by opening ALL the POST requests and checking the Headers tab (and inside this, the Request Headers tab).

My guess is that one of two things might happen:

  1. You will see that the data sent to the server is cut off already in the headers being presented to you in Firebug's net tab and the Content-Length is calculated correctly according to the actual (cut off) length of the POST data. Otherwise, I'm sure the server would reject the request as Bad Request as a whole.
  2. You will see that there are multiple POST requests, some of them (perhaps with the full, non-cut off data) actually interrupted and therefore never reaching the server, but at least one POST request (again, with the cut off data) that ist triggered by some other mechanism in your Javascript, i.e. not the trigger you thought, but by navigating to another page, more and other Ajax requests might be triggered (just a guess since I don't know your source code).

In either case, I think you'll find out that this problem ist client related and the server just processes the (incomplete, but (in terms of HTTP) syntactically valid) data the client sent to it.

From that point on, you could debug your Javascript and implement some mechanism that prevents sending incomplete data to your server. Again, it's hard to tell what to do exactly since I don't know the rest of your source code, but maybe there's some heavy action going on in collecting the data, and you could possibly make sure that the POST only happens if all the data is really collected. Or, perhaps you could prevent navigation until the Ajax request is completed or such things.

What might be interesting, if all of this doesn't make sense, would be to have a look at more of your source code, especially how the Ajax POST is triggered and if there are any other events and such if you navigate to another page. Sample data you're sending could also be interesting.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out that outputting data with console.log() might be misleading, since it's in no way guaranteed that this is the data actually being sent, it's just a logline which evaluates to the given output at the exact time when console.log() is called. That's why I suggested sniffing the network traffic, because then (and only then) you can be sure what is really being sent (and received). Nonetheless, this is a little tricky if you're not used to it (and impossible if you use encrypted traffic e.g. by using HTTPS), so the Firebug net tab might be a good compromise.

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stef77 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
