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jQuery .offset setting y value





I am a newbie to jQuery. Could someone answer this please?

I know I will set layer1 to the position of layer2 with the following line of code.


How can I just set the y-value? I'm not sure about that.


like image 855
Denise Avatar asked Jan 06 '11 14:01


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1 Answers

The jQuery documentation for .offest() reads:

.offset() returns an object containing the properties top and left.

Knowing this, you can accomplish the following:

var offset = $("#layer2").offset();
    'top' : offset.top,
    'left': offset.left

Or, you can set them individually, per your requirement.

$("#layer1").css('top', offset.top);  // or...
$("#layer1").css('left', offset.left);

Finally, since you only need a single value (top), offset is overkill; it's more expensive than you need. Use the following, optimized snippet instead.

var top = $('#layer2').css('top');
$('#layer1').css('top', top);
like image 159
Stephen Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09
