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Difference in results returned between .has() and :has()



I have a gnarly navigation structure that can be generalized as:

<ul id="navigation">

Sub-items are hidden until hover. I want to indicate that B, D, and E have sub-items by styling them so I used the selector:

$('#navigation > li li:has(ul)')

Which only returned B and D. Changing it to:

$('#navigation > li li').has('ul')

returned all of the correct items but I'm confused as to why.


:has() doesn't appear to be affected (entirely) by nesting as

$('#navigation ul > li:has(ul)')

returns the same results as .has() above.

like image 942
Matthew Jacobs Avatar asked Oct 19 '10 17:10

Matthew Jacobs

1 Answers

From the jQuery API documentation:

:has selects elements which contain at least one element that matches the specified selector.

.has() reduces the set of matched elements to those that have a descendant that matches the selector or DOM element.

There is a related question here: jQuery: subtle difference between .has() and :has() , that seems to point to what the difference in the two could be.

However, It appears that :has doesn't look within a match in a nested fashion while .has() does because it returns a subset of matches as a jQuery object is able to match all descendants, even the nested one, like a regular jQuery selector.

like image 51
Moin Zaman Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Moin Zaman