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jQuery object passed as argument to function is value copy not reference?

My understanding: in Javascript objects and arrays get passed as references not values for function arguments. A jQuery group is an object and hence should be passed as reference.

However I'm finding in the test script below that something strange is going on; the jQuery group is behaving like a value not a reference unless wrapped in another object ... can anyone explain this?

 <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

 function test(arg){
   arg = arg.add($('<span/>'))

 ele = $('<div/>');
 test(ele);  // div + span in the group as expected
 console.log(ele); // only the div - the 'arg' param in function was a copy

 function test2(arg){
   arg.a = arg.a.add($('<span/>'));

 obj = {a:ele};
 test2(obj); // div + span in the group as expected
 console.log(obj.a); // both in the group - arg acted like a reference!

like image 992
MachineElf Avatar asked Sep 14 '10 14:09


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1 Answers

This is a "feature" of the .add() method. It does not modify the original jQuery object, but rather returns a new object with the added value.

Given your first example, you would need to return the arg variable and overwrite ele.

 function test(arg){
   arg = arg.add($('<span/>'))
   return arg;  // return the new jQuery object stored in "arg"

 ele = $('<div/>');
 ele = test(ele);  // overwrite the original "ele" with the returned value

EDIT: To give another illustration, using your code, but with .push() which modifies the original object, you will see the correct value updated in ele.

 function test(arg){
   arg = arg.push($('<span/>')[0])
   console.log(arg);  // Because .push() is being used, "arg" will reference 
                      //   the new length of the array.

 ele = $('<div/>');
 console.log(ele); // Will reference jQuery object with both elements

EDIT: Once last illustration. Because .add() returns a new object, you could update both variables to point to the same value like this:

ele = arg = arg.add($('<span/>'));

Now instead of ele referencing the original, and arg referencing the new Object that was created, both variables hold a reference to the same Object in memory.

like image 138
user113716 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
