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jQuery Mobile Show Keyboard on Input Focus

I am having a problem getting the Android keyboard to show up when I focus a text input. I have this in my function that initializes the page:

jQuery(document).bind('pageshow', function()

$inputItemReference is a variable that points to the input text box.

I was told that prompt() would show the keyboard. However, it does not. I am only getting the input to display the blinking cursor when the page loads. If I want the keyboard to be displayed, I have to tap the input again. I want the keyboard to be displayed right when the page loads. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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snowfi6916 Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 15:01


2 Answers

If you are using cordova/phonegap add this to config.xml:

<preference name="KeyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction" value="false" />
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des1001 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09


Based on this answer, Show virtual keyboard on mobile phones in javascript, it is not readily possible.

You can't, at least not in iOS (iPhone), and I believe Android as well. It's a usability issue that the keyboard should not be allowed to be triggered except by user input (it's just annoying if it's automatic).

There are a couple of ways I know of to get around this:

prompt() opens the keyboard If you trigger the .focus() from within a .click() event (e.g. from opening your dialog), the keyboard shows up

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Twisty Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
